Drew Dennis Dix

The Name Dix - Dennis

In 1944, Drew Dennis Dix was born in West Point, New York. He is a private person, and there isn’t much information about his life -- except for two days in the winter of 1968.

Drew was a staff sergeant then, a member of the U.S. Senior Advisor Group, IV Corps, Military Assistance Command.

Place of duty: Chau Doc Province, Republic of Vietnam.The citation says it all:

"SSG Dix distinguished himself by exceptional heroism while serving as a unit advisor. Two heavily armed Viet Cong battalions attacked the province capital city of Chau Phy, resulting in the complete breakdown and fragmentation of the defenses of the city. SSG Dix, with a patrol of Vietnamese soldiers, was recalled to assist in the defense of Chau Phu. Learning that a nurse was trapped in a house near the center of the city, SSG Dix organized a relief force, successfully rescued the nurse and returned her to the safety of the Tactical Operations Center. Being informed of other trapped civilians within the city, SSG Dix voluntarily led another force to rescue eight civilian employees located in a building which was under heavy mortar and small arms fire. SSG Dix then returned to the center of the city. Upon approaching a building, he was subjected to intense automatic rifle and machine gun fire from an unknown number of Viet Cong. He personally assaulted the building, killing six Viet Cong, and rescuing two Filipinos. The following day, SSG Dix, still on his own volition, assembled a 20-man force, and though under intense enemy fire, cleared the Viet Cong out of the hotel, theater and other adjacent buildings within the city. During this portion of the attack, Republic of Vietnam Army soldiers inspired by the heroism and success of SSG Dix, rallied and commenced firing upon the Viet Cong."

"SSG Dix captured 20 prisoners, including a high-ranking Viet Cong Official. He then attacked enemy troops who had entered the residence of the Deputy Province Chief and was successful in rescuing the official’s wife and children. SSG Dix’s personal heroic actions resulted in 14 confirmed Viet Cong killed in action and possibly 25 more, the capture of 20 prisoners, 15 weapons and the rescue of 14 United States and free world civilians."

"The heroism of SSG Dix was in the highest tradition and reflects great credit upon the U.S. Army. Dix continued to serve, and was later commissioned. He is one of the living recipients of the nation’s highest honor for valor."

"The four were not related, which is the usual question we get about Richard and Drew. None of the initial camps was named after a woman, the usual hopeful question we get about Dorothea. But they all carried a willingness to serve and a passion for their callings. Each would be a proud addition to the post’s heritage."

This article was written by Carolee Nisbet, the former Public Affairs Officer and editor of the installation news paper. This article appeared in the Fort Dix Post.

(Click on the various portaits for details about famous people who bear the name Dix.)