After you’ve lost a loved one, there may be unresolved issues or questions that surface months or years after your loss. We are Survivor Outreach Services and we are here to help.

About us

Survivor Outreach Services is an Army Family Covenant initiative committed to Families of the Fallen. When you call, you will be connected to a dedicated person who will guide you through available agencies and help you get the benefits and support you need.

Our Mission

  • Expand and improve services to Survivors
  • Define roles and responsibilities for all agencies and all components
  • Improve responsiveness and streamline the assistance process for Families

Our Team

  • Financial Counselors provide assistance to Surviving Families through investment and estate planning education. Financial counselors work closely with Benefits Coordinators, Army Long Term Family Case Management and legal assistance to address the needs of Surviving Families.
  • Support Coordinators are long term support personnel for Survivors. Support Coordinators facilitate support groups, provide life skills education and connect Survivors with counseling resources. These Coordinators work closely with Benefits Coordinators, Casualty Assistance Officers and Army Long Term Family Case Management to ensure Survivors receive their necessary services.
  • Benefits Coordinators provide expertise on local, state and Federal benefits. They also work with Casualty Assistance Officers, providing the Surviving Family with assistance to understand and apply for their benefits.