Joint Base MDL / ASA Fort Dix Mass Notification Systems (MNS)

The Giant Voice MNS is used to make emergency announcements on JB MDL. These announcements may be warnings about a disaster/incident, terrorist attack or hostile act on Joint Base MDL.

In the event of a terrorist attack or hostile act of violence, such as an Active Shooter, the announcement LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN will be made. Personnel should immediately seek cover in a secure building / room and lockdown. (See the EM Response tab).

The AtHoc MNS provides computer desk-top, email and or telephone emergency notifications to devices that have been registered in the system. Note: Personnel who are not assigned to JB MDL will normally not be included in the AtHoc system.
The ASA Fort Dix Range Control Radio Net provides emergency notifications by LMR (land mobile radio) to units and personnel assigned to designated training areas.

The ASA Fort Dix Range Control Radio Net provides emergency notifications by LMR (land mobile radio) to units and personnel assigned to designated training areas.

1650 AM Radio Station

When the lights on posted warning signs are flashing, tune your radio to 1650 AM to receive urgent information. Continue monitoring until the event has been terminated and the all clear announced. NOAA weather radio continuously plays until an urgent message is broadcast.


This alert is used in the event of an active shooter or terrorist attack. It means that you must immediately find a place to protect yourself.

If in an office, close and lock all doors. Turn off the room lights and silence your cell phone ringer. If in a hallway or another open area, find the closest safe place to lockdown in. Remain quiet until officials tell you otherwise.

If the shooter is in your building yell "ACTIVE SHOOTER" to alert everyone in the area. Then go into RUN-HIDE-FIGHT mode.

  • If you can get out of the building - RUN.
  • If you can't run (evacuate the building) – HIDE. Close and lock the door, turn off the lights remain quiet, silence your cell phone ringer. Call E-911.
  • If the shooter enters your room - FIGHT the shooter with whatever is available

To learn more watch the full Run > Hide > Fight video here.


This alert is used in the event of a CBRN attack, a chemical incident and or any downwind hazard. Upon notification of Shelter In-Place conditions take the following actions:

  • Get into the nearest building and locate a room with no or few windows.
  • Close all doors and windows.
  • Place wet towel(s) along the bottom of the door(s)
  • Turn off AC/heater unit or closed vents, if possible.
  • Stay in the room until the all-clear signal is given.
  • Tune to 1650 AM on the clock radio for additional information

Law Enforcement/FP Contacts

Joint base Police
754-COPS (2677)
(609) 754-6001


AF Office of Special Intel (OSI)
(609) 754-3353 / 2748

Army CID
(609) 562-2069 / 2076

Army 902nd MI (APG, MD)

USASA Fort Dix Sec Div
(609) 562-3012/6858