Be Informed
Make a Plan
Build a Kit
Stay Informed
Ready Navy Kids
Ready Navy News

Preparedness Empowers You

It saves lives, property, and time.

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice. By taking action beforehand you can be prepared for any emergency.

Be Ready Navy!
I am. Are you?

Ready Navy Kids make a plan
Talk with your parents. 130808-N-ZZ999-004

Plan Ready

Map a home escape plan. 130621-N-ZZ999-004
Make a Contact Card 130620-N-ZZ999-004


Hi! I’m Adam. As a Ready Navy Kid, I know it’s important to make an emergency plan with your family!


1. Turn your next family night into a brainstorming session for how you can tackle any emergency. Emergencies can be scary. But you have nothing to fear when you know your preparedness plan

Start with making a house fire evacuation plan. Think of this as a treasure map!

a.  Draw a map of each floor of your house that shows each room, window, door, and fire alarm. Click here for an escape plan form.

b.  Mark at least two exits out of each room – usually a door and a window.

c.  Then put an X over your family meeting spot. Just with a treasure map, remember that X marks the spot.


So where will your family map lead? Will you meet at a mailbox? A tree? A neighbor’s house? Whatever you pick, make sure everyone in the family knows.

Pick a place outside your neighborhood as a second meeting place in case you are out or have to leave the neighborhood.


2. Now that you know where to go, you need a complete Emergency Plan to remind everyone what to take and who to call. Click here for an Emergency Plan Form.

3. Choose a favorite out-of-town relative or friend to be your emergency contact.  This is the person everyone would call to check-in with. Create a contact card with this and important phone numbers for every family member.

4. Like my dad always says, practice makes perfect. Ask your mom and dad to practice your house escape plan twice a year. Don't forget your treasure map!



Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.

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