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Common Technical Issues



“Certificate Error” / “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate”

This notification will display if your computer does not have the DoD root and intermediate certificates associated with Internet Explorer; this is common for those accessing DoD sites from their home computer or from a non-DoD organization. Please Click Here to obtain step-by-step instructions to install the latest version of the DoD root certificates.

Course is not properly tracking lesson progress

Most web-based courses delivered via the DAU Virtual Campus require that you access all pages and links in order to receive credit for completing a lesson. If a particular lesson does not get marked as being completed, it’s likely that a link may have been overlooked within that lesson.

Recommended action:

Clear your browsing history and start a new login session with the DAU Virtual Campus:

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu within Internet Explorer (Keyboard Shortcut: “ALT” + “T”)
  2. Select “Internet Options”
  3. Click on the “Delete” button that appears below the Browsing History heading.
  4. If you are presented with an option to “Preserve favorites website data,” please uncheck this option.
  5. Please ensure that you delete the “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies” from the same window; the other choices from this dialog are not required.
  6. After clearing the temporary files and cookies, please close all Internet Explorer windows to ensure this modification is effective.
  7. You may then start a new login session with the DAU Virtual Campus by accessing https://learn.dau.mil/.

After performing the steps outlined above, please page through the entire lesson and ensure you access all links and resources presented. Afterwards, access the next lesson. If the “Harvey Ball” in the table of contents does not update after performing these actions, please contact the DAU Help Desk and a technician will review your profile.

“HTTP Status 500” / “Exception report” / “The server encountered an internal error”

The DAU Virtual Campus may generate this type of error message when a connectivity issue occurs between the client (your computer) and the host (our application servers). When a client experiences a dropped Internet connection, it may try to recover the web-based session after the users chooses a link within the website. If the host recognizes that a disconnection occurred, it will disallow the session to resume for security purposes. In order to continue past this error, you will need to start a new login session to allow our servers to re-authenticate your credentials.

To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended that you clear your browsing history and restart Internet Explorer before resuming your course:

Clear your browsing history and start a new login session with the DAU Virtual Campus:

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu within Internet Explorer (Keyboard Shortcut: “ALT” + “T”)
  2. Select “Internet Options”
  3. Click on the “Delete” button that appears below the Browsing History heading.
  4. If you are presented with an option to “Preserve favorites website data,” please uncheck this option.
  5. Please ensure that you delete the “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies” from the same window; the other choices from this dialog are not required.
  6. After clearing the temporary files and cookies, please close all Internet Explorer windows to ensure this modification is effective.
  7. You may then start a new login session with the DAU Virtual Campus by accessing https://learn.dau.mil/.

Please Note: If the error occurred while taking an online exam, the table of contents may reflect a score of 0%. This merely reflects that your current attempt has been accessed, but not graded; it is NOT a score that is counted against you. After following steps outlined above this paragraph, the system will present you with a “Continue My Test” button when accessing the same exam from the course’s Table of Contents (TOC). Unfortunately, any selections that you have made prior to receiving the error will need to be entered again as our database can only record user selections once the entire test has been successfully submitted to the server.

“Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”

If you are unable to access the DAU Virtual Campus login page, this error may indicate that your computer does not have the required DoD Root Certificates installed. The certificates are required to establish a secure connection between your computer and our website. Please Click Here to obtain instructions on obtaining the latest DoD certificates.

If this error message displays after choosing the “Login using my CAC” button, please Click Here for the appropriate set of instructions.

“Please wait… Communicating with LMS”

This message indicates that your browser is attempting to load Adobe Flash content. If nothing loads on the screen, your computer may not be loading the Adobe Flash plugin properly. This can occur when:

  • Adobe Flash Player is not installed.
  • The Adobe Flash installation is corrupt, possibly by another browser plug-in.
  • Your organization’s security settings block Active X content from untrusted sites.

If you are using a work-issued computer, it is recommended that you consult with your local IT department and ask them to verify that Adobe Flash Player is installed and enabled. They should also ensure that the ‘DAU.mil’ domain is listed as a “Trusted Site” in your Web browser.
Home users, please Click Here to download a troubleshooting guide to address this issue.

Unable to open documents/links contained within the course

The resolution to this type of issue is dependent upon what occurs in your attempts to access the documents or course links:

  • A blank window displays:
    This is common when your organizations security settings prohibit access to certain file extensions (i.e. PDF, DOCX, PPT). To address this issue, please add DAU to your browsers Trusted Sites list. This action often requires administrative privileges, so you may need to have your local IT department assist in applying the setting outlined below.
    1. Within Internet Explorer, click on your “Tools” menu (keyboard shortcut: “ALT” + “T”).
    2. Click on “Internet Options.”
    3. Select the “Security” tab at the top of the Internet Options dialog.
    4. Click on the “Trusted Sites” icon, then choose the “Sites” button below the list of security zones.
    5. Ensure that “https://learn.dau.mil” or “*.dau.mil” are added to the list of Websites.
    6. After applying this setting, please close all instances of Internet Explorer before re-accessing your course.
  • Nothing happens when choosing the link / A window flashes and disappears quickly:
    This generally means that your browsers pop-up blocker is preventing the content from displaying. If you hold down “CTRL” while you click on the link, this should instruct your browser to make an exception to the standard pop-up blocker rules and allow the window to open. You may also make a permanent exception within your browsers settings:
    1. Within Internet Explorer, click on your “Tools” menu (keyboard shortcut: “ALT” + “T”).
    2. Navigate to the sub-menu entitled, “Pop-up Blocker.”
    3. Click on “Pop-up Blocker Settings.”
    4. Add “*.dau.mil” and choose “Close” at the bottom.

In addition to applying this setting, those using Internet Explorer 8 or higher may also need to apply a compatibility setting; please Click Here for instructions.

Unable to access the Virtual Campus from your home computer

The DAU Virtual Campus is publicly accessible via the Internet. However, home users generally need to install the DoD Root Certificates in order to properly access and utilize our system. Please Click Here for instructions.

NOTE: If you are using a foreign Internet Service Provider, military hosting denies access to foreign ISPs. As DAU is subject to the rules set by the military (Army) site, some foreign ISPs are not able to reach our site. Unfortunately, as this control is not in the hands of the DAU, we are not able to lift this restriction.

"We apologize for the inconvenience" / Alpha-numeric error code

An alpha-numeric error message will generally appear when your Internet browser attempts to recover a previous session with our Website. When the error appears, please choose “Return to Application” to proceed to your course list. To avoid this error in the future, please be sure to “Logout” of your profile before you close our Website; this will prevent the alpha-numeric error code from re-appearing when you return to the site later.

To logout of your profile, you will first need to “Exit” your course. After doing so, you should be presented with your Student Desktop which displays your course list (enrolled courses, completed courses, etc.). In the upper-right corner of the page, just above the DAU campus banner, you will see a “Logout” link.

If you continue to experience the alpha-numeric error, or the “Return to Application” link does not allow you to navigate to your course list, it may be necessary to clear your browser cache (temporary Internet files and cookies) per the following instructions:

  1. Select “Internet Options.”
  2. Within Internet Explorer, click on your “Tools” menu.
  3. From the “General” tab, locate the section heading entitled “Browsing History.”
  4. Click on the “Delete” button.
  5. If the subsequent dialog box gives you an option to “Preserve favorite website data,” please uncheck this option.
  6. Please be sure to delete your “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies;” the other choices on this dialog are entirely optional.
  7. For this modification to be effective, it will be necessary to close ALL Internet Explorer windows.
  8. You may then start a new session with the DAU Virtual Campus by accessing https://learn.dau.mil/.

Java Update/Security Alerts

Some DAU courses may require the installation of the Java Runtime Environment. If you receive a pop-up indicating that "Your Java version is insecure," you may simply choose "Later" on this prompt and proceed with accessing your course materials from the table of contents. You may then be presented with a security warning asking, "Do you want to Continue," please select "Continue."

If you are presented with a third prompt indicating that the "Application [has been] Blocked by Security Settings," please Click Here to obtain instructions on how to overcome this issue. 

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