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  • NEW! CON Center Recommended Reading List
  • JOB SUPPORT TOOL - CON 090 Strategic Measures
  • Better Buying Power
  • Department of Defense (DoD) COR HANDBOOK
  • CLC 064 Wage Determinations for Service and Construction Contracts
    • This module will introduce students to the laws and regulations governing the minimum wage and fringe rates to be paid in most construction and service contracts. 
  • Highlights

    • Private wrote "Mr. Frank Kendall, 21 August 2014 memo "Actions to Improve Department of Defense Competition" and "Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining a Competitive Environment for Supplies and Services in the Department of Defense"" modified Aug 26, 2014
    • Private wrote "To continue to make progress in improving communications, OFPP has issued a second “Myth-Busting” memorandum. The first memo last year focused on the misconceptions on the part of Federal agencies; the 7 May 2012 memo continues the discussion by addressing the misconceptions that may be held by some in the vendor community." created May 8, 2012
    • Private wrote "Contracting Officer “Warranting” Program Model, Considerations for Developing an Individualized Organizational Approach, was developed to assist the military departments and defense agencies, and their subordinate organizations, in reviewing and assessing how they select, appoint and terminate contracting officers." modified Nov 15, 2011
    • Private wrote "The purposes of this memorandum are to: 1) Identify common misconceptions about vendor engagement that may be unnecessarily hindering agencies’ appropriate use of the existing flexibilities, and provide facts and strategies to help acquisition professionals benefit from industry’s knowledge and insight; 2) Direct agencies to remove unnecessary barriers to reasonable communication and develop vendor communications plans, consistent with existing law and regulation, that promote responsible and constructive exchanges; and 3) Outline steps for continued engagement with agencies and industry to increase awareness and education. " modified Mar 25, 2011
    • Private wrote "Defense Procurement Acquisition Policy Memorandum issued to further implement direction provided in USD(AT&L)'s "Better Buying Power" Memorandum dated 28 Jun 10." created Dec 2, 2010
    • Private wrote "On The Job Training (OJT) Plan Tool" modified Dec 19, 2011
    • Private wrote "DAU’s Service Acquisition Mall. SAM is intended to help you get your job done by providing usable tools and templates to create your performance-based service acquisition requirements. Each of the “Wings” on the Mall Map below contains information related to a category of services. Move your mouse over the elements of the mall map to discover what is available in SAM. Enter the Wing by simply clicking on the appropriate space. " created Jan 22, 2010

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