Be Informed
Make a Plan
Build a Kit
Stay Informed
Ready Navy Kids
Ready Navy News

Preparedness Empowers You

It saves lives, property, and time.

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice. By taking action beforehand you can be prepared for any emergency.

Be Ready Navy!
I am. Are you?


Become a Ready Navy Kid

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Ready Navy Kids at NWS Earle
READY NAVY KIDS VIDEO - Kids who experienced Superstorm Sandy talk about being prepared. Copy link to your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIWmIPDYJzI&feature=player_embedded 130808-N-ZZ999-006
VIDEO-Girl Scouts speak about emergency preparedness around the world. Copy link to your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TEwwAJR_ilo
Ready with a communication plan and contact card. 120903-N-RL694-004

Ready Navy Kids are curious, responsible, helpful, and prepared. You can be a Ready Navy Kid if you:

  • Be Informed
    Talk with your family and learn about possible hazards and emergencies in your area.
  • Make a Plan
    Make an emergency plan with your family, so that you know where to go, what to do, and what to take in an emergency. Be sure that you pick meeting places inside and outside your neighborhood. Also, together decide on that special person (like grandma) you can all call in an emergency to let them know you are safe and sound.
  • Build a Bug Out Bag
    Look around the house for items or go shopping with your family and build an emergency Bug Out Bag that you can carry with supplies you need in an emergency. Have your family build a family kit, too, with enough supplies for all your family members for at least three days. Don't forget about supplies for your pets!


Take a look at the navigation links under Ready Navy Kids for more helpful tips and some fun activities.


There are Ready Navy Kids of all ages aboard Navy Installations and all around the world.

You could be a Ready Navy Boy or Girl Scout!  Ask your unit or scout leader about using the Ready Navy website as a resource for an Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge.


Click here for the Boy Scout Emergency Preparedness - Merit Badge Workbook to start the conversation.


We are. Are you a Ready Navy Kid?


  Ready with a 3 day supply of water.     Ready with a "bug out" bag.

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Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.

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