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III Corps Commanding General, Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland

Commanding General

Lieutenant General
Sean MacFarland

Commander's Reading List

Deputy Commanding General, Douglas Chalmers

Deputy Commanding

Major General
John Uberti

Summarized Biography

Deputy Commanding General, Brigadier General John Uberti

Deputy Commanding
General (UK)

Major General
Douglas Chalmers


COL John W. Reynolds

III Corps
Chief of Staff

John W. Reynolds


III CSM Alonzo J. Smith

III Corps
Command Sergeant Major

Command Sergeant Major
Alonzo J. Smith


III Corps Mission

III Armored Corps and its subordinate units are prepared to rapidly deploy and conduct the full range of military operations to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative, in order to deter or defeat any adversary. The Corps is prepared to exercise mission command of Army, joint, and multi-national forces, as a corps, joint task force (JTF) or combined joint forces land component command (CJFLCC).

III Corps Vision

III Corps is the world's premier mounted force, highly lethal, trained and ready to conduct sustained, expeditionary, operational maneuver anywhere in the world. Our Soldiers are fit, disciplined, and expert at their battle tasks; our Leaders are specialists in mounted warfare and fully invested in the Profession of Arms. Our Families and installations are resilient and well integrated into our partnered communities.

We are the "Phantom Warriors," ready to answer the nation's call.