Make a Home Accessible With Department of Veterans Affairs Programs

Man installing a seat in a shower

Being comfortable at home is such a basic need that it's easy to take for granted. If you're a veteran with disabilities, you may need modifications to your home to have access to all its comforts. An accessible home is one that lets its occupant do what he or she wants and needs to do, as independently as possible. Depending on your service-connected disability, you may be eligible for assistance under one or more Department of Veterans Affairs programs.

A house that feels like home should have an attractive layout, enough floor space and the right number of bedrooms, just for starters. But if you're a veteran with disabilities, your house may need more than these basics for you to feel at home. Depending on your unique needs, modifications such as a wheelchair ramp, wider doorways or even a special doorbell can make a big difference in your functioning at home on a daily basis.

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