Deployment and Transition

A few buildings on your installation may predate World War II. Aside from that vintage architecture, military life is constantly changing. Make the most of where you are on your journey — whether just getting started, just getting home or taking your victory lap — be ready for your next step.


Bullying: Let’s Talk About It

Talking with a counselor can give your child the support they need to deal with the stresses of life.


New Place, New Friends

You’ve moved to a new town and now it’s time to make new friends. Follow these tips and you could be one step closer to finding lasting friendships.

Service provider or leader in need of tools.

New to the Military

Service members playing football.

Let us “brief” you on your new life in the military. It will put you “at ease.”

Preparing for Deployment

Service member preparing paperwork for deployment.

We can’t help you fit all that gear into your pack, but count on us to help with deployment-related needs.

During Deployment

Service member holding a letter.

Hang in there. You and your family can survive even the long days of deployment with these resources.

After Deployment

Service member reunited with his wife and child after deployment.

Homecomings don’t always look like the movies. Find everything here that Hollywood forgot to mention.

Separating From the Military

Service members walking off a ship.

You have some big decisions to make about where to go and what to do next. Start here.

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Service members, family members, surviving family members, service providers and leaders rely on Military OneSource for policy, procedures, timely articles, cutting-edge social media tools and support. All in one place, empowering our military community.