AUD 1122 Accounting System Survey
Click here to view the course description in the DCAI Catalog of Courses
You will learn to describe the basic skills required to perform an accounting system review. This course consists of a student guide with integrated video clips. The video clips simulate an auditor performing an accounting system review from the initial contact with the contractor through the exit conference. The course also discusses the purpose of the review, highlights key items to review during the audit, and provides guidance on completing the SF 1408, Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor Accounting System.
Target Attendees
All DCAA Auditors
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable substitutes for meeting current course prerequisite and certification standards)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode  0
Equivalent Courses  None
ACE Recommended Credits  N/A
PDS Code  
Current CEU, CLP and RRP      Click here for Previous Allocation
Continuous Education Units  0
Continuous Learning Points
Reservist Retirement Points 0  
  • This training is conducted by DCAA. DCAA training is intended for DCAA auditors, and their residential courses are not open to non-government employees. Click the “Apply for this Course” icon in the upper right corner of your screen to request further information.
  • This is a DCAI Self-Study Course
  • 4 CPE (CPE credit currently only available to DCAA employees)