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Career Fields
Type of Assignment  Representative Activities
1 - Operational Contracting  Contracting functions in support of post, camp or stations
2 - Res & Dev  Contracting functions in support of research and development
3 - Sys Acq  Contracting functions in support of systems acquisition to include all ACAT programs
4 - Logistics and Sustainment  Contracting functions performed by the Defense Logistics Agency or by other offices to sustain weapon systems
5 - Construction/ A&E  Contracting functions in support of construction and/or architect and engineering services
6 - Contingency/ Combat Ops  Contracting functions performed in a contingency or combat environment
7 - Contract Admin Office  Contracting function is primarily focused on contract administration
8 - Contract Cost/Price Analyst  Contracting function is primarily focused on advanced cost/price analysis
9 - Small Bus Specialist  Contracting function is primarily focused on advising small businesses or on strategies for maximizing use of small businesses
10 - Other  Contracting functions that perform a variety of assignments or are at a headquarters, secretariat, or OSD
Core Certification Standards (required for DAWIA certification)
 Acquisition Training  ACQ 101  Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
 Functional Training   CON 200  Business Decisions for Contracting
  CON 216  Legal Considerations in Contracting
  CON 270  Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis (R)
  CON 280  Source Selection and Administration of Service Contracts (R)
  CON 290  Contract Administration and Negotiation Techniques in a Supply Environment (R)
  CLC 051  Managing Government Property in the Possession of Contractors
  CLC 056  Analyzing Contract Costs
  HBS 428  Negotiating
 Education   At least 24 semester hours in accounting, law, business, finance, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, or organization and management
  Baccalaureate degree (Any Field of Study)
 Experience 2 years of contracting experience.

Unique Position Training Standards
Level II Contracting personnel assigned to support a MDAP/MAIS program   ACQ 202 Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A

Core Plus Development Guide (desired training, education, and experience) Type of Assignment
Training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  CLC 001 Defense Subcontract Management  
  CLC 006 Contract Terminations    
  CLC 007 Contract Source Selection
  CLC 008 Indirect Costs          
  CLC 013 Services Acquisition  
  CLC 019 Leveraging DCMA for Program Success              
  CLC 026 Performance-Based Payments Overview
  CLC 027 Buy American Statute
  CLC 031 Reverse Auctioning                
  CLC 035 Other Transaction Authority for Prototype Projects: Comprehensive Coverage              
  CLC 039 Contingency Contracting Simulation: Barda Bridge                  
  CLC 040 Predictive Analysis and Scheduling              
  CLC 041 Predictive Analysis and Systems Engineering            
  CLC 042 Predictive Analysis and Quality Assurance              
  CLC 044 Alternative Dispute Resolution    
  CLC 047 Contract Negotiation Techniques
  CLC 102 Administration of Other Transactions              
  CLC 103 Facilities Capital Cost of Money  
  CLC 104 Analyzing Profit or Fee  
  CLC 107 OPSEC Contract Requirements    
  CLC 108 Strategic Sourcing Overview
  CLC 110 Spend Analysis Strategies
  CLC 112 Contractors Accompanying the Force    
  CLC 114 Contingency Contracting Officer Refresher                  
  CLC 120 Utilities Privatization Contract Administration                  
  CLC 125 Berry Amendment      
  CLL 011 Performance Based Logistics (PBL)        
  CLL 036 Product Support Manager (PSM)        
  CLM 013 Work-Breakdown Structure              
  CLM 031 Improved Statement of Work        
  CLM 032 Evolutionary Acquisition                
  CLM 038 Corrosion Prevention and Control Overview    
  CLM 040 Proper Financial Accounting Treatments for Military Equipment  
  CLM 200 Item-Unique Identification
  CON 232 Overhead Management of Defense Contracts (R)            
  CON 234 Joint Contingency Contracting Course (R)                  
  CON 252 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting Standards (R)            
  GRT 201 Grants and Agreements Management (R)                
  HBS 433 Presentation Skills
  HBS 440 Team Leadership
  HBS 441 Team Management
  LOG 235 Performance-Based Logistics        
  SBP 101 Introduction to Small Business Programs, Part A                  
 Graduate studies in business administration or procurement
 Two (2) additional of contracting experience
1 The Core Certification Standards section lists the training and/or education and experience REQUIRED for certification at this level for this career field within 24 months of assignment.
2 “(R)” following a course title indicates the course is delivered as resident-based instruction.
5 When preparing your IDP, you and your supervisor should consider the training, education, and experience listed in the Core Plus Development Guide at this and the lower level(s) if not already completed.
12 See 10 U.S.C. 1724 exempts DoD GS-1102 series employees and military equivalents serving in the DoD on or before 30 Sep 2000; contracting officers with authority to award in excess of the SAT serving on or before 30 Sep 2000; as well as members of the Contingency Contracting Force from the requirement for a Baccalaureate degree.
14 Workforce members assigned to the position(s) identified in the Unique Position Training Standards section should meet the training standard(s) identified within 6 months of assignment.
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