HHSAR Table of Contents

  1. Part 301—HHS Acquisition Regulation System
    1. Subpart 301.1—Purpose, Authority, and Issuance
      1. 301.101 Purpose.
      2. 301.103 Authority.
      3. 301.106 Office of Management and Budget approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    2. Subpart 301.2—[Reserved]
    3. Subpart 301.4—Deviations from the FAR
      1. 301.401 Deviations.
    4. Subpart 301.6—Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities
      1. 301.602 Contracting officers.
        1. 301.602-3 Ratification of unauthorized commitments.
      2. 301.603 Selection, appointment, and termination of appointment of contracting officers.
        1. 301.603-1 General.
  2. Part 302—Definitions of Words and Terms
    1. Subpart 302.1—Definitions
      1. 302.101 Definitions.
  3. Part 303—Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of Interest
    1. Subpart 303.1—Safeguards
      1. 303.101 Standards of conduct.
        1. 303.101-3 Agency regulations.
        2. 303.104-7 Violations or possible violations of the Procurement Integrity Act.
    2. Subpart 303.2—Contractor Gratuities to Government Personnel
      1. 303.203 Reporting suspected violations of the Gratuities clause.
    3. Subpart 303.6—Contracts with Government Employees or Organizations Owned or Controlled by Them
      1. 303.602 Exceptions.
    4. Subpart 303.7—Voiding and Rescinding Contracts
      1. 303.704 Policy.
        1. 303.808-70 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
      2. 303.1003 Requirements.
  4. Part 304—Administrative Matters
    1. Subpart 304.6—Contract Reporting
      1. 304.602 General.
      2. 304.604 Responsibilities.
    2. Subpart 304.13—Personal Identity Verification
      1. 304.1300 Policy.
    3. Subpart 304.16—Unique Procurement Instrument Identifiers
      1. 304.1600 Scope of subpart.
    4. Subpart 304.70—[Reserved]
    5. Subpart 304.71—Review and Approval of Proposed Contract Actions
      1. 304.7100 Policy.
    6. Subpart 304.72—Affordable Care Act Prevention and Public Health Fund—Reporting Requirements
      1. 304.7200 Scope of subpart.
      2. 304.7201 Procedures.
      3. 304.7202 Contract clause.
  5. Part 305—Publicizing Contract Actions
    1. Subpart 305.3—Synopses of Contract Awards
      1. 305.303 Announcement of contract awards.
    2. Subpart 305.5—Paid Advertisements
      1. 305.502 Authority.
    3. Subpart 305.70—Publicizing Requirements Funded From the Affordable Care Act Prevention and Public Health Fund
      1. 305.7001 Scope.
      2. 305.7002 Applicability.
      3. 305.7003 Publicizing preaward.
      4. 305.7004 Publicizing postaward.
  6. Part 306—Competition Requirements
    1. Subpart 306.2—Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources
      1. 306.202 Establishing or maintaining alternative sources.
    2. Subpart 306.3—Other than Full and Open Competition
      1. 306.302 Circumstances permitting other than full and open competition.
        1. 306.302-1 Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. See FAR 6.302-1.
    3. Subpart 306.5—Competition Advocates
      1. 306.501 Requirement.
  7. Part 307—Acquisition Planning
      1. 307.105 Contents of written acquisition plans.
  8. Part 308—Required Sources of Supplies and Services
    1. Subpart 308.4—Federal Supply Schedules
        1. 308.405-6 Limited source justification and approval.
    2. Subpart 308.8—Acquisition of Printing and Related Supplies
      1. 308.800 Scope of subpart.
      2. 308.801 Definitions.
      3. 308.802 Policy.
      4. 308.803 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
  9. Part 309—Contractor Qualifications
    1. Subpart 309.4—Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility
      1. 309.403 Definitions.
      2. 309.404 System for Award Management (SAM) exclusions.
      3. 309.405 Effect of listing (compelling reason determinations).
      4. 309.406 Debarment.
        1. 309.406-3 Procedures.
      5. 309.407 Suspension.
        1. 309.407-3 Procedures.
      6. 309.470 Reporting of suspected causes for debarment or suspension or the taking of evasive actions.
        1. 309.470-1 Situations where reports are required.
  10. Part 310—Market Research
      1. 310.001 Policy.
  11. Part 311—Describing Agency Needs
    1. Subpart 311.70—Section 508 Accessibility Standards
      1. 311.7000 Defining electronic and information technology requirements.
    2. Subpart 311.71—Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities.
      1. 311.7100 Policy.
      2. 311.7101 Responsibilities.
      3. 311.7102 Contract clause.
    3. Subpart 311.72—Conference Funding and Sponsorship
      1. 311.7200 Policy.
      2. 311.7201 Funding and sponsorship.
      3. 311.7202 Contract clause.
    4. Subpart 311.73—Contractor Collection of Information
      1. 311.7300 Policy.
      2. 311.7301 Contract clause.
  12. Part 312—Acquisition of Commercial Items
    1. Subpart 312.1—Acquisition of Commercial Items—General
      1. 312.101 Policy.
    2. Subpart 312.2—Special Requirements for the Acquisition of Commercial Items
      1. 312.202(d) Market research and description of agency need.
  13. Part 313—Simplified Acquisition Procedures
      1. 313.003 Policy.
    1. Subpart 313.3—Simplified Acquisition Methods
      1. 313.301 Government-wide commercial purchase card.
  14. Part 314—Sealed Bidding
    1. Subpart 314.1—Use of Sealed Biddin
      1. 314.103 Policy.
    2. Subpart 314.4—Opening of Bids and Award of Contract
      1. 314.404 Rejection of bids.
        1. 314.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.
      2. 314.407 Mistakes in bids.
        1. 314.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.
        2. 314.407-4 Mistakes after award.
  15. Part 315—Contracting by Negotiation
    1. Subpart 315.2—Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Information
        1. 315.204-5 Part IV—Representations and instructions.
      1. 315.208 Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals.
    2. Subpart 315.3—Source Selection
        1. 315.303-70 Policy.
      1. 315.304 Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.
      2. 315.305 Proposal evaluation.
    3. Subpart 315.4—Contract Pricing
      1. 315.404 Proposal analysis.
        1. 315.404-2 Information to support proposal analysis.
    4. Subpart 315.6—Unsolicited Proposals
      1. 315.605 Content of unsolicited proposals.
      2. 315.606 Agency procedures.
        1. 315.606-1 Receipt and initial review.
  16. Part 316—Types of Contracts
    1. Subpart 316.3—Cost-reimbursement Contracts
      1. 316.307 Contract clauses.
    2. Subpart 316.5—Indefinite-Delivery Contracts
      1. 316.505 Ordering.
      2. 316.603 Letter contracts.
        1. 316.603-3 Limitations.
  17. Part 317—Special Contracting Methods
    1. Subpart 317.1—Multi-year Contracting
      1. 317.104 General.
      2. 317.105 Policy.
        1. 317.105-1 Uses.
      3. 317.107 Options.
      4. 317.108 Congressional notification.
    2. Subpart 317.2—Options
      1. 317.204 Contracts.
  18. Part 319—Small Business Programs
    1. Subpart 319.2—Policies
      1. 319.201 General policy.
        1. 319.270-1 Mentor Protégé Program Solicitation provision and contract clause.
  19. Part 322—Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions
    1. Subpart 322.8—Equal Employment Opportunity
      1. 322.810 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
  20. Part 323—Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug–Free Workplace
    1. Subpart 323.70—Safety and Health
      1. 323.7000 Scope of subpart.
      2. 323.7001 Policy.
      3. 323.7002 Actions required.
    2. Subpart 323.71—Sustainable Acquisition Requirements
      1. 323.7100 Policy.
      2. 323.7101 Applicability.
      3. 323.7102 Procedures.
      4. 323.7103 Solicitation Provision.
  21. Part 324—Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information
    1. Subpart 324.1—Protection of Individual Privacy
      1. 324.103 Procedures for the Privacy Act.
      2. 324.104 Restrictions on Contractor Access to Government or Third Party Information.
      3. 324.105 Contract clauses.
    2. Subpart 324.70—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
      1. 324.7000 Scope of subpart.
      2. 324.7001 Policy on Compliance with HIPAA business associate contract requirements.
  22. Part 326—Other Socioeconomic Programs
    1. Subpart 326.5—Indian Preference in Employment, Training, and Subcontracting Opportunities
      1. 326.501 Statutory requirements.
      2. 326.502 Definitions.
      3. 326.503 Compliance enforcement.
      4. 326.504 Tribal preference requirements.
      5. 326.505 Applicability.
    2. Subpart 326.6—Acquisitions Under the Buy Indian Act
      1. 326.600 Scope of subpart.
      2. 326.601 Policy.
      3. 326.602 Definitions.
      4. 326.603 Requirements.
      5. 326.604 Competition.
      6. 326.605 Responsibility determinations.
    3. Subpart 326.7—Acquisitions Requiring the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
      1. 326.700 Scope of subpart.
      2. 326.701 Applicability.
  23. Part 327—Patents, Data, and Copyrights
    1. Subpart 327.3—Patent Rights Under Government Contracts
      1. 327.303 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
    2. Subpart 327.4—Rights in Data and Copyrights
        1. 327.404-70 Basic rights in data clause.
      1. 327.409 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
  24. Part 330—Cost Accounting Standards
    1. Subpart 330.2—CAS Program Requirements
      1. 330.201 Contract requirements.
        1. 330.201-5 Waiver.
  25. Part 331—Contract Cost Principles and Procedures
    1. Subpart 331.1—Applicability
        1. 331.101-70 Salary rate limitation.
  26. Part 332—Contract Financing
    1. Subpart 332.4—Advance Payments for Non-Commercial Items
      1. 332.402 General.
      2. 332.407 Interest.
    2. Subpart 332.5—Progress Payments Based on Cost
      1. 332.501 General.
        1. 332.501-2 Unusual progress payments.
    3. Subpart 332.7—Contract Funding
      1. 332.702 Policy.
      2. 332.703 Contract funding requirements.
        1. 332.703-1 General.
        2. 332.703-71 Incrementally funded cost-reimbursement contracts.
        3. 332.703-72 Incremental Funding Table.
      3. 332.706 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.
        1. 332.706-2 Provision and clauses for limitation of cost or funds.
  27. Part 333—Protests, Disputes, and Appeals
    1. Subpart 333.1—Protests
      1. 333.102 General.
      2. 333.103 Protests to the agency.
    2. Subpart 333.2—Disputes and Appeals
      1. 333.203 Applicability.
      2. 333.209 Suspected fraudulent claims.
        1. 333.215-70 Contract clauses.
  28. Part 334—Major System Acquisition
    1. Subpart 334.2—Earned Value Management System
      1. 334.201 Policy.
      2. 334.202 Integrated Baseline Reviews (IBRs).
  29. Part 335—Research and Development Contracting
      1. 335.070 Cost-sharing.
        1. 335.070-1 Policy.
        2. 335.070-2 Amount of cost-sharing.
        3. 335.070-3 Method of cost-sharing.
      2. 335.071 [Reserved]
      3. 335.072 Key personnel.
  30. Part 336—Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts
    1. Subpart 336.1—General
      1. 336.104 Policy.
    2. Subpart 336.5—Contract Clause
      1. 336.570 Contract clause.
  31. Part 337—Service Contracting—General
    1. Subpart 337.1—Service Contracts—General
      1. 337.103 Contracting officer responsibility.
  32. Part 339—Acquisition of Information Technology
    1. Subpart 339.1—General
      1. 339.101 Policy
    2. Subpart 339.2—Electronic and Information Technology
      1. 339.203 Applicability.
        1. 339.203-70 Contract clauses for electronic and information technology (EIT) acquisitions.
      2. 339.204 Exceptions.
        1. 339.204-1 Approval of exceptions.
      3. 339.205 Section 508 accessibility standards for contracts.
  33. Part 342—Contract Administration
    1. Subpart 342.7—Indirect Cost Rates
      1. 342.705 Final indirect cost rates.
  34. Part 352—Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses
    1. Subpart 352.1—Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses
      1. 352.100 Scope of subpart.
        1. 352.101-70 Application of provisions and clauses.
    2. Subpart 352.2—Texts of Provisions and Clauses
        1. 352.203-70 Anti-Lobbying.
        2. 352.204-70 Prevention and Public Health Fund—Reporting Requirements.
        3. 352.208-70 Printing and Duplication.
        4. 352.211-1 Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities.
      1. 352.211–2 Conference Sponsorship Requests and Conference Materials Disclaimer.
        1. 352.211-3 Paperwork Reduction Act.
        2. 352.215-70 Late Proposals and Revisions.
        3. 352.216-70 Additional Cost Principles for Hospitals (Profit and Non-Profit).
        4. 352.219-70 Mentor-Protégé Program.
        5. 352.219-71 Mentor-Protégé Program Reporting Requirements.
        6. 352.222-70 Contractor Cooperation in Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations.
        7. 352.223-70 Safety and Health.
        8. 352.223-71 Instructions to Offerors—Sustainable Acquisition.
        9. 352.224-70 Privacy Act.
        10. 352.224-71 Confidential Information.
        11. 352.226-1 Indian Preference.
        12. 352.226-2 Indian Preference Program.
        13. 352.226-3 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
        14. 352.227-11 Patent Rights—Exceptional Circumstances.
        15. 352.227-14 Rights in Data—Exceptional Circumstances.
        16. 352.227-70 Publications and Publicity.
        17. 352.231-70 Salary Rate Limitation.
        18. 352.232-70 Incremental Funding.
        19. 352.233-70 Choice of Law (Overseas).
        20. 352.233-71 Litigation and Claims.
        21. 352.236-70 Design-Build Contracts.
        22. 352.237-70 Pro-Children Act.
        23. 352.237-71 Crime Control Act—Reporting of Child Abuse.
        24. 352.237-72 Crime Control Act—Requirement for Background Checks.
        25. 352.237-73 Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Act.
        26. 352.237-74 Non-Discrimination in Service Delivery.
        27. 352.237-75 Key Personnel.
        28. 352.239-74 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility.
        29. 352.270-4b Protection of Human Subjects.
        30. 352.270-5a Notice to Offerors of Requirement for Compliance with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
        31. 352.270-5b Care of Live Vertebrate Animals.
        32. 352.270-6 Restriction on Use of Human Subjects.
      2. 352.270–7 [Reserved]
        1. 352.270-8 [Reserved]
        2. 352.270-9 Non-Discrimination for Conscience.
        3. 352.270-10 Notice to Offerors—Protection of Human Subjects, Research Involving Human Subjects Committee (RIHSC) Approval of Research Protocols Required.
        4. 352.270-11 Protection of Human Subjects—Research Involving Human Subjects Committee (RIHSC) Approval of Research Protocols Required.
        5. 352.270-12 Needle Exchange.
        6. 352.270-13 Continued Ban on Funding Abortion and Continued Ban on Funding of Human Embryo Research.
  35. Part 370—Special Programs Affecting Acquisition
    1. Subpart 370.3—Acquisitions Involving Human Subjects
      1. 370.300 Scope of subpart.
      2. 370.301 Policy.
      3. 370.302 Federal-wide Assurance (FWA).
      4. 370.303 Notice to offerors.
      5. 370.304 Contract clauses.
    2. Subpart 370.4—Acquisitions Involving the Use of Laboratory Animals
      1. 370.400 Scope of subpart.
      2. 370.401 Policy.
      3. 370.402 Assurances.
      4. 370.403 Notice to offerors.
      5. 370.404 Contract clause.
    3. Subpart 370.5—[Reserved]
    4. Subpart 370.6—[Reserved]
    5. Subpart 370.7—Acquisitions under the Leadership Act
      1. 370.700 Scope of subpart.
      2. 370.701 Solicitation provision.