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Preparedness Empowers You

It saves lives, property, and time.

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice. By taking action beforehand you can be prepared for any emergency.

Be Ready Navy!
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America's PrepareAthon! National Days of Action and Preparedness Month

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September Is National Preparedness Month, culminating in America's PrepareAthon! Fall National Day of Action on September 30.

Don’t wait. Communicate! Make an emergency communication plan today.

The Secretary of the Navy urges all Sailors, civilian personnel, and families to assess their readiness at home and abroad and act during the month-long campaign and on America’s PrepareAthon! (AP!) National Day of Action on September 30. Register whatever action you took to prepare your self or others at http://www.community.fema.gov/be-counted.

2015 National Preparedness Month Presidential Proclamation

2015 Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum

Tips for creating your communications plan:

  • Create a sheet or card with all the phone numbers and information every individual in the family may need, and make sure every member of the family has a copy of the communication plan.
  • Include a plan for what information will be communicated, i.e., status, location, and next steps, like when the next contact will be made.
  • Be aware that phone lines and cellphone towers may be overloaded or out during an emergency. Plan for using text messaging if other options are not available.
  • Ensure every member of your family has a cellphone or a prepaid phone card in order to connect with your emergency contact during emergencies.
  • Establish an out-of-state, in-case-of-emergency (ICE) name and number.
  • Save the ICE information in everyone’s cellular phone.
  • File a copy of emergency contact information with the command ombudsman and the command to be opened only in case of emergency.


About National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month is observed each year in September and culminates with a National Day of Action on September 30. It was launched by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 2004 to enhance the United States’ preparedness capability. National Preparedness Month serves to encourage individuals, communities, businesses, schools, and government organizations to take action to prepare for a number of hazards that impact the Nation. 

Each year the Navy joins the nation in recognizing and participating in National Preparedness Month. Ready Navy, the Navy’s Emergency Preparedness Program, has information, tips, and tools to help every member of the Navy Community take part.


America’s PrepareAthon! Spring National Day of Action is April 30

America’s PrepareAthon! is a nationwide, community-based campaign to increase emergency preparedness and resilience through participation in hazard-specific drills, group discussions and exercises conducted at the national level every spring and fall. The campaign was directed as part of the Presidential Policy Directive-8: National Preparedness.


Get Involved Throughout the Year!

  • Take Action to Prepare. Register your action or preparedness activity at http://www.community.fema.gov/be-counted.
  • Follow and share the conversation @PrepareAthon, #PrepareAthon, #ReadyNavy.
  • Learn about local hazards in your area.
  • Conduct an emergency drill and practice personal emergency plans.
  • Assemble or update emergency supplies or kits.
  • Sign up for local alerts and warnings and download apps.
  • Collect and safeguard critical documents (e.g. insurance policies and birth records).
  • Document property (photo, video, or PCS inventory sheets could be used).
  • Obtain appropriate insurance for relevant hazards.
  • Make property improvements to reduce potential injury and property damage.
  • Plan with neighbors and fellow Sailors to help each other and share resources.
  • Read more at www.defense.gov/prepare and www.ready.gov/prepare.







Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.

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