Invasive Species

Invasive Species

Reports and Materials

DOD Early Detection Rapid Response Invasive Species Strike Teams-A Pilot Demonstration Year 3 - Conference Exhibit (Legacy 14-622) pdf [1.21 MB]
DOD Early Detection Rapid Response Invasive Species Strike Teams-A Pilot Demonstration Year 3 - Guidebook (Legacy 14-622) pdf [305 KB]
Ecological Monitoring Compendium on Wake Island Prior to Rat Removal - Final Technical Report, November 2011 (Legacy 09-438) pdf [2.38 MB]

Introduced rats are known to dramatically affect island biodiversity. On Wake Island, a U.S. Air Force installation in the tropical Pacific, rats predate seabirds and may have extirpated several seabird species from the island. Rats may impact a range of other biota and ecological processes on Wake. The Wake Island eradication provides a valuable opportunity to document ecological changes on such an island by monitoring various taxa before and after the operation. This report contains a Work Plan, Monitoring Protocol, and Sampling Designs for Seabird Monitoring, Shorebird Monitoring, Sea Turtle Monitoring, Vegetation Sampling, Arthropod Sampling, and Rodent Population Monitoring on Wake Island. The protocols and results described in the above reports, if replicated post eradication, can provide valuable documentation of ecological changes on Wake Island resulting from rat removal. These documented changes can then be used to generate predictions about ecological responses to potential rat eradications on other tropical islands on which the Department of Defense (DoD) has a management stake.

An Inventory of the Significant Natural Areas of Scotland County, NC - May 2005 pdf [2.47 MB]
An Inventory of the Significant Natural Areas of Hoke County, North Carolina - September 2004 pdf [3.76 MB]

Fact Sheets