Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals


FY17 Request for Pre-Proposals Released pdf [163 KB]

This memo announces the Legacy Program Fiscal Year 2017 call for pre-proposals that support military mission needs and improve the management of natural and cultural resources.

FY16 Request for Pre-Proposals Released pdf [378 KB]

This memo announces the Legacy Program Fiscal Year 2016 call for pre-proposals that support military mission needs and improve the management of natural and cultural resources.


Legacy Resource Management Program - Guidelines for Pre-Proposal Applicants pdf [349 KB]
Legacy Resource Management Program - Guidelines for Full Proposal Applicants pdf [282 KB]

Legacy Resource Management Program Guidelines for Full Proposal Applicants contain notable recommendations that applicants should follow to ensure the Legacy Tracker information entry and proposal submission process goes smoothly.

Legacy Resource Management Program - Guidelines for Receiving an Award pdf [117 KB]

Legacy Resource Management Program Guidelines for Receiving an Award explain the steps applicants must take once their proposal receives funding and becomes a project.

Legacy Resource Management Program - Guidelines for Managing an Ongoing Project pdf [275 KB]

Legacy Resource Management Program Guidelines for Managing an Ongoing Project explain the process and steps that awardees must follow to execute and finalize their project after receiving funding.

General Information

Legacy Resource Management Program - Review Process Information pdf [146 KB]

Legacy Resource Management Program Review Process Information is a reference for the process used to fund Legacy projects from the Request for Proposals to the full proposal stage.


Legacy Tracker

The DoD Legacy Resource Management Program funds projects that protect and enhance our nation's natural and cultural heritage while supporting military readiness.