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 249 items in 25 pages
16-039 PPOM 16-039 (HRP) Army National Guard (ARNG) use of the Electronic Military Personnel Office System (eMILPO) for Reporting Personnel Readiness Commander's Override Code.pdf Current Active Guidance19 Oct 2016
16-038 PPOM 16-038 (HRH) Army National Guard Retroactive Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal (IRCM) Submission Guidance.pdf Current Active Guidance12 Oct 2016
16-036 PPOM 16-036 (HRH) Revised Guidance to Army Regulation 600-8-19, Chapter 7.pdf Current Active Guidance13 Oct 2016
16-035 PPOM 16-035 (HRH) Fall 2016 HQDA (ARNG) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Selection Board Results.pdf Current Active Guidance11 Oct 2016
16-034 PPOM 16-034 (HRS) Administration of the Army National Guard (ARNG) Unit Risk Inventory (URI) and Reintegration Unit Risk Inventory (R-URI) Surveys to High OPTEMPO ARNG Units.pdf Current Active Guidance28 Sep 2016
16-033 PPOM 16-033 (HRH) ARNG Title 10 AGR Soldiers High School Stabilization.pdf Current Active Guidance28 Sep 2016
16-032 PPOM 16-032 (HRR) Clarification of Duty Status of Recruiting and Retention Non-Commissioned Officers (RRNCO) Flagged for Guard Recruiter Assistance Program (GRAP) Inquiries_Investigations.pdf Current Active Guidance28 Sep 2016
16-030 PPOM 16-030 (HRH) 2016 General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award (GDMLA) Program.pdf Current Active Guidance23 Sep 2016
16-029 PPOM 16-029 (HCM) Title 10 ARNG AGR Officer Career Field Management and Designations.pdf Current Active Guidance22 Sep 2016
16-028 PPOM 16-028 (HRH) Retaining a Quality Noncommissioned Officer Corps Serving in the ARNG Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program (Title 10 and 32).pdf Current Active Guidance15 Sep 2016

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