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UPDATE TO TEMPORARY TDA (TTDA) POLICY:  Please note PPOM #15-014 (TTDA) incorporates multiple changes to the TTDA policy.  As of 30 September 2015, TTDA requests under the provisions of paragraph 5b are no longer authorized.  Please refer to page E-1 (see note 1) of PPOM #15-014 for further guidance.  TTDA requests under the provisions provided by paragraph 5a are still authorized.  If you are requesting a TTDA under paragraph 5a, please ensure you provide all required documents as noted on page 2, paragraph 5a.  Requests for TTDA under authority of paragraph 5a that lack the required supporting documentation will be returned without action until documentation is received.
Link: https://g1arng.army.pentagon.mil/Policies/PPOMHRH/Pages/download.aspx?FileID=20764
Posted: 2/23/2016

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