Personnel Policy Guidance - (PPG)

Applicability:  This publication applies to Active Army, the Army National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, Retiree Recalls, Department of the Army Civilians, Department of Defense Civilians, Contractors, Red Cross Employees, and Army Air Force Exchange Services Employees.

Hand writing on paper with a pen

HQDA G-1 is not the sole author of the PPG, the following HQDA staff elements, commands and agencies contribute to its content: G-2, G-3/5/7, G-4, G-8, HRC, OTSG, OTJAG, IMCOM, TRADOC, FORSCOM, USARC, NGB, and First Army.

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PPG - Last Updated: 11 October, 2012)
  • PPG - updated 08 Aug 13 - (adobe acrobat document - 5 MB)

This document contains a linked Table of Contents for quick referencing. Please note this is a large document and may take several minutes to load depending on your connection. We recommend saving the document to your hard drive to reduce the load time.

Chapter 1 - General Guidance

Discusses current contingency operations, pertinent legal authorities (Title 10), and operational policies.
19 Dec 2011: Updated HRC email address and Sanctuary Checklist. 17 Feb 2012: 1-3(e) Updated link to current Sanctuary Checklist. 3 Apr 2012: Updated 1-3(d) Boots on Ground (BOG) Policy. 13 Apr 2012: Updated 1-2(b)(5)

Chapter 2 - Notification / Alert

Discusses procedures for the manning of deploying AC and RC units to include cross-leveling; Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP); Non-deployable criteria; special management issues; and non-citizen Soldiers. 17 Feb 2012: 2-4 Updated link to current HQDA Active Component Manning Guidance. 3 Apr 2012: Updated Table 2-7 Sole Surviving Son or Daughter and 2-8(d) MOS Producing School for RC Soldiers. 13 Apr 2012: Updated 2-8(a) Soldiers Scheduled for Training

Chapter 3 - Mobilization

Discusses procedures for mobilizing Reserve Component assets (individual and unit) in support of contingency operations.
1 Dec 2011: Added section 3-3(e) Involuntary Mobilization of Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs).

Order Samples (Temporary Change of Station - NATO Travel)

Chapter 4 - Deployment

Discusses procedures used to deploy military and civilian personnel; preparation of deployment packets and individual deployment flow; CONUS Replacement Center; and Theatre Specific Individual Requirement Training (TSIRT).

Chapter 5 - Employment (Individual Volunteers and Replacements)

Discusses procedures used to request, source, receive and deploy unit and individual augmentees to include IRR, retirees, and individual mobilized augmentees.
5 Nov 2011: Restructured Chapter 5 with updated information on Individual Augmentation 5-2(a) and Active Army volunteers 5-3(a). Revised 5-4 (CO-ADOS) and 5-5 (Retiree Recall). Moved Dual Status Military Technician (DSMT) to 5-4(b)(10). Consolidated current replacement guidance in 5-6 through 5-9. Updated hyperlinks and points of contact.

Duty Days Calculator

Chapter 6 - Redeployment / Post Deployment

Discusses requirements and procedures when redeploying personnel from theater and demobilization; early release from active duty; awards and evaluations; personnel and pay procedures; transitional medical coverage; stabilization and reconstitution of units; as well as family support activities.

Chapter 7 - Medical & Dental

Discusses medical and dental requirements for personnel mobilizing and/or deploying; identifies required testing, immunizations, and vaccines required for specific theaters of operation; dental requirements; and requirements during redeployment. 
2 Nov 2011: Replaced CENTCOM MOD 10 with CENTCOM MOD 11. Replaced Women's Readiness Pre-Deployment Screening with new policy. OTSG/MEDCOM Policy 11-077. 26 Jan 2012: Updated 7-3(d) Tuberculosis Skin Testing (TST) and corrected 7-12(j) Tuberculosis Screening. 3 Feb 2012: Added link to HQDA EXORD 178-11

Chapter 8 - Entitlements & Compensation

Discusses military and civilian entitlements to include pay, allowances, leave, benefits, and other authorizations when mobilized and/or deployed; discusses travel entitlements and military pay processing.

4 Aug 2011: Updated 8-2(d) AIP and removed 8-2(e) and (f). 3 Feb 2012: Revised 8-10(i) PDMRA guidance based on update to DODI 1327.06. 17 Feb 2012: 8-2(f) Updated link to current NGB-HRH Policy Memorandum. 8-2(j) Updated IDP and HFP based on NDAA 2012. 8-3 and 8-5 Updated with ALARACT 384-2011 guidance. 14 Mar 2012: Updated 8-2(j). 27 Apr 2012: Updated 8-10(j). 22 May 2012: Updated 8-10i(7): Added a new, updated hyperlink to the PDMRA guidance. 20 June, 2012: Added hyperlinks to 8-10f(1), governing BOG/9-month deployment and R&R eligibility. 29 Jun 12; 8-10i, Updated and clarified guidance pertaining to the NCR&R policy.

Chapter 9 - Casualty Operations

Discusses procedures of casualty operations in theater; provides instruction on line of duty determinations; reporting prisoners of war and missing in action; escorts and funerals; and records management.
26 Jan 2012: Revised entire chapter 9 to include updated points of contact and phone numbers for the Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operation Center

Chapter 10 - Equipment 

Discusses equipment requirements (OCIE and recommended personal items) and accountability.

Chapter 11 - Orders

Discusses the preparation and types of orders used to mobilize/employ/deploy military and civilian personnel (includes installation/unit requirements and procedures for extensions).
19 Dec 2011: Updated address for HRC. 11-13(g) Intermediate Temporary Change of Station (ITCS) Orders is under revision. 14 Mar 2012: Removed 11-13(a)(3). 13 Apr 2012: Updated 11-13(g) with hyperlink to ALARACT 059-2012. 21 Dec 12: 11-2b; Updated information pertaining to RC/AGR TCS Orders.

Chapter 12 - Funding

Discusses how organizations execute financial management functions when deploying military personnel; provides fund cites per specific operation.

Chapter 13 - Personnel Management

Discusses personnel procedures conducted throughout mobilization and deployment. It addresses personnel functions and actions such as promotions, awards, evaluations, and personnel records.
2 Nov 2011: Updated email addresses and Office Symbols in 13-9(c) through (e). 3 Feb 2012: Revised 13-11(b)(1) ARNG Warrant Officer Promotions (3 Feb 2012)

Chapter 14 - Supporting Personnel Actions

Discusses miscellaneous administrative procedures not previously addressed in the PPG.

Implementing Instructions

Kosovo Personnel Policy Guidance

To provide personnel guidance for military and civilian (DoD, Contractor, and Red Cross) Personnel in support of operations in and around Kosovo.