About the Personnel Gateway

About the Personnel Gateway 

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About the G1 Personnel Gateway

The ARNG G1 Personnel Gateway was developed to serve as the approved source of current and official information for Soldiers, HR Professionals, Families, Veterans, Retirees, and Partners of the ARNG. During its development, approximately 1,500 ARNG Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were interviewed to develop the content present at the launch of the Gateway. The material on the Gateway has been vetted and approved through personal interviews, focus groups, and conference workshops. The ARNG G1 oversees the efforts to expand and improve the Gateway.

The Gateway creates a cross-cutting, customer focused platform by linking programs, policies, and processes across the ARNG Personnel Community. It also allows other components such as the Active Component and the Army Reserve to leverage this tool to care for ARNG Soldiers while on Contingency Operations. All are encouraged to submit lessons learned and provide feedback for this site to help the ARNG provide the best information available for our Citizen Soldiers, Families, Veterans, Retirees, Partners, and HR Professionals.

ARNG G1 Gateway Overview

03 AUG 12 


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