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Logo: WSMR J.W. Cox Range Control Center


The White Sands Test Center recently activated a new ultra-modern Range Control Center. This new control center, named the J. W. Cox Range Control Center (CRCC), is a digital facility designed to meet current and future mission requirements and will contain the latest in backbone network design and functionality for the Range customer.

The CRCC is the single point of control for all missions conducted on the Range and contains all functions related to open air range testing. This includes:

  • Real Time Data Processing
  • Air Space Surveillance
  • Data Control Facility
  • Telemetry
  • Drone Formation Control System
  • Timing
  • Video Relay Facility
  • Real Time Software Development
  • Range Scheduling
  • Test Support Network Operations Center

Additionally, a high performance computer generates state-of-the-art graphics for display of mission scenarios that depict airborne targets, interceptor missiles, the virtual range land mass, and instrumentation location and coverage. A centrally located Operation Control Display Facility (OCDF), consists of tiered consoles surrounded by test cells containing state-of-the-art processing and display equipment. This includes Sun workstations and NT PCs that integrate with a Red-Green-Blue Sync (RGBS) matrix switch to provide a graphic intense atmosphere using high-resolution rear projection systems.

This page was last updated on 3/2/2012 12:56 PM