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Preparedness Empowers You

It saves lives, property, and time.

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice. By taking action beforehand you can be prepared for any emergency.

Be Ready Navy!
I am. Are you?

Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors


The Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador™ is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through which it formally recognizes NOAA partners who are working to improve the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events.  Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors commit to work and engage in dialogue with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. Ready Navy and your Navy Regional and Installation Emergency Managers are committed to empowering the Navy Community to be prepared for extreme weather and all emergencies, with or without advance notice.


Congratulations Joint Region Marianas on becoming the Navy’s Newest Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador!


We Are A Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. Are You?


Be Ready Navy!


Where to Find Additional Information






  • NOAA Weather-Ready Nation
  • http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/
  • NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador Initiative FAQs
  • http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/amb_faqs.html





    “Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ and the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ logo are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.”


    Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.

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