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Welcome to Fort Hood’s web presence. For post information please call: 254-287-1110. If you notice any Suspicious Activity report it to: 254-288-COPS.

III CORPS G5 - Plans



III Corps G5 Plans provides mid to long-range planning. Using MDMP/JOPP, G5 develops complete operation plans and sequels, monitors the COP for situational awareness, and stays abreast of current operations by coordinating with the current operations integration cell. G5 is staffed by specialists, including planners who graduated from the School of Advanced Military Studies, strategic plans officers, and an officers certified in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System. Individuals with specific expertise from elsewhere in the main CP and from entities external to the corps augment the plans cell as required.

To contact Us:

Corps G5 254-287-1255
Deputy 254-275-1311
SGM 2254-287-6267
G5 Operations 254-287-5117/2947
G5 Exercises 254-287-5912
MSE G3 PLEX Chief 254-287-2315
MSE G3 PLEX 254-287-2956