Limits of Confidentiality

It is important for you to know that there are limits to the confidentiality of medical information. This means that access to information in your case file is possible when required by law and/or regulation. We are required to keep a written summary of each of your visits in your case file. This is kept at our clinic separate from your medical record.

Examples of these limits to confidentiality are as follows:

  • If you are on active duty, your chain of command may have limited access to information contained in your case file (as governed by Army regulation).
  • Your case file may be subject to subpoena when ordered by a judge.
  • If we believe you intend to harm yourself or someone else, it is our ethical and professional duty to inform others as the circumstance requires.
  • In situations of suspected child or spouse abuse, it is required that we report this to the appropriate authorities.
  • If you tell us of violation of military regulations or law, we may have to inform others.
  • Other professionals associated with your care may have access to information on record in your case file without your written consent.
  • You may be seen in group therapy. If so, you and every other member of the group will be told that anything discussed is private. This includes the names of group members of any problems they discussed in group. This is not to be talked about with anyone outside the group. Confidentiality will exist only to the extent that each patient trusts and respects every other member of the group.
  • Demographic and relevant clinical information may be utilized for research and command consultation purposes. Information utilized for these purposes will not in any way be identified by name or social security number to maintain your privacy and confidentiality.

Our effectiveness resides in your trust and confidence in our desire to be therapeutic and maintain your privacy. We will strive to safeguard information obtained from you and ensure that only authorized sources have access in accordance with the above guidelines and the provisions of the Privacy Act. Please inquire at the Patient Administration Division/ Patient Affairs Office, if you have specific questions about the limits of confidentiality.

Notice of Privacy Practices

More Information on Hospital Policies

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