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Unexploded Ordnance 
WSMR Public > Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)


Visitors wishing to travel outside the White Sands Extended Cantonment Area on a non-escort basis shall :


Click to view UXO Hazards video (CAC Required)The White Sands UXO Hazards video, available for download, is approximately 7 minutes long, is available in a Windows Media file. The UXO Hazards video can also be watched on milTube by anyone with a DoD CAC.

If downloaded Windows Media Player is required to view the clip.

Please contact the White Sands Test Center
(WSTC) at (575) 678-3541/2305
or your Range Sponsor.

UXO Briefing (No CAC Required)WSMR Employees and Contractors shall provide the Orientation Letter and Record of Organizational Training to their organization’s safety coordinator.

Additional Information

White Sands Missile Range provides our customers with quality test, evaluation, and technical services in support of current and future Department of Defense systems necessary for our Nation’s Defense. The safety of the White Sands workforce, our visitors, and our families is our number one priority. The Commanding General of White Sands Missile Range has issued a Policy Letter for Training on the Hazards of UXO.

General information on UXO is provided in the UXO Brochure. This brochure is not intented as a substitute for the UXO training, but can be used as a means to inform visitors of the danger of UXO. The brochure also includes pictures of possible UXO items.

Last modified on: 5/13/2015 2:41 PM 
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