Military OneSource Live Chat: Information Your Way

Service member looking at a chat screen on computer

Instead of spending your down time researching information, check out the live chat feature on the Military OneSource website. You type in your question and receive a quick response with the information you need. Live chat makes the existing Military OneSource services even easier to access.

Easy access

Service and family members can begin live chats on Military OneSource from their computers or on the go from their smart phones or tablet devices. Military OneSource live chat conveniently provides military families with information when and how they want it. Live chat features include:

  • Availability 24/7/365
  • Quick and personalized information from a trained Military OneSource consultant

If your office or house is too noisy for calls, or you don't feel like speaking with anyone after a full day, live chat is a convenient way for you to discover all that Military OneSource has to offer.

How does online live chat work?


a consultant for information about any Military OneSource services via live chat now.

  • Go to
  • Find the Live Chat button on the Confidential Help drop down menu.
  • Click the Live Chat button.
  • And type in your question — it's as simple as that.

Our live chat works just like you'd expect it to. Both you and your Military OneSource consultant can see when the other one is typing, so you will know when the consultant is sending info your way.

Depending on the nature of your question and what services you request or require, the consultant will help in one of the following ways:

  • Provide you with the information you requested
  • Invite you to call the Military OneSource toll-free number at 800-342-9647 for additional services such as specialty consultation or health and wellness coaching
  • Refer you to other appropriate services with a warm hand off to the other provider

Live chat topics

Live chat provides you with personalized information and resources beyond what you find on the Military OneSource website. Just chat with the Military OneSource consultant about your concerns or questions so he or she can suggest the best resources for you on topics including:

  • Parenting, adoption and family
  • Single life, marriage or relationships
  • Child care programs and respite care
  • Children or adults with special needs
  • Caregivers and wounded warriors
  • Language interpretation and document translation
  • Deployment, relocation and transitions
  • Morale, Welfare and Recreation
  • Commissaries and exchanges
  • Disaster preparedness

Live chat also gets you quick answers to questions regarding confidential help including the following:

  • Specialty consultations (adoption, education, adult disability care, elder care, health and wellness coaching, peer-to-peer, special needs and wounded warrior)
  • Non-medical counseling (Improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, marriage problems, or grief and loss)
  • Other services and counseling (document translation, financial counseling, free tax service, language interpretation, caregivers, Spouse Education and Career Opportunities counseling)

So grab your smart phone or tablet device and let a Military OneSource consultant assist you. Live chat us today.


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Service members, family members, surviving family members, service providers and leaders rely on Military OneSource for policy, procedures, timely articles, cutting-edge social media tools and support. All in one place, empowering our military community.