Youth Sponsorship
For assistance with K-12 school questions email the
Fort Hood School Liaison Office

Note to Youth: So, the time has come for another move and you’re on your way to Fort Hood, Texas? A little anxious? How about hooking up with a youth sponsor to help smooth the way?

If you would like to have a sponsor, we will match you to a student who has similar interests. The forms and agreement are available to download and return at your convenience. They can also be emailed to the address above.

Click to download form

Note to Parents: Youth sponsorship plays a very important role in the moving process. Families face many questions and concerns are expressed when preparing for moves. For everyone, including youth, the fear of the unknown is scary and very real. Some questions might be:

A youth sponsor will help provide the answers to these questions and many more. Her/his job is to help eliminate the unknowns. The most important part of being a youth sponsor, is to be a friend and make the new student feel welcome to the Fort Hood community. A youth sponsor will introduce the newcomer to other students at school and the youth centers.

Local Youth Sponsorship
The School Liaison Office proudly offers Youth Sponsorship to incoming military-affiliated children. If you are living in the area and would like to serve as a Youth Sponsor, please read the job description below.
Youth Sponsor Job Description

Qualification Requirements
Sponsor must be between the ages of 8-18. He/she must be out-going, with good verbal and leadership skills. Sponsor should be familiar with Fort Hood and the local community. He/she needs to display a positive attitude.

If interested in becoming a Youth Sponsor or requesting Youth Sponsorship, please contact the Fort Hood School Liaison Officer

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