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Army MWR

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CYSS Sensations
The CYSS Sensations quarterly magazine is a great resource about Child, Youth and School Services. Each edition will be full of activities, classes, programs, services, and special events information and schedules. more...

FCC Amnesty for Unauthorized Child Care During the Month of November
Please do not begin caring for children until you have been certified by the Garrison Family Child Care office. Providing unauthorized child care jeopardizes your eligibility for housing. Check with the Family Child Care Office to learn about FCC Certification. It's a good thing. Everybody wins - 254-287-5448
Unauthorized Child Care
Are you a certified Army Family Child Care Provider


Child and Youth Services offers expanded benefits beginning January 2008.
Benefit eligibility depends on mission category:
Mission Level I: Deployed Soldiers or Department of the Army Civilians (DACs) (includes 30 days before and 90 days after return)
Mission Level II: Unaccompanied Permanent or temporary change of station TDY (90-179 days)
Mission Level III: Rear Detachment Cadre
Families of Wounded Soldiers
Families of Fallen Soldiers

Child Development Services (CDC)
Before / After Pre-K and Kindergarten Care, SY12-13

Mom holding here child Fort Hood CDC:

Fort Hood Child Development Center Temporary Closure

August 17
Fort Hood Child Development Center is undergoing a repair project and will temporary close for child care services. The temporary closure is effective August 17, 2012 and is anticipated to last 6 - 8 months.

Fort Hood CDC - Bldg. 113 T.J. Mills Blvd.

Ages: 6 weeks to 5 years

  • 5:30 am - 6 pm
  • closed Federal Holidays

Programs: Full Day Care and Strong Beginnings

Servicing School(s): None

Mom holding her child Clear Creek CDC:
Clear Creek CDC - Bldg. 4819/4820 Washington Dr.

Ages: 6 weeks to Kindergarten
  • 5:30 am - 6 pm
  • closed Federal Holidays

Programs: Full Day, Part Day, and Before & After School Care

Servicing School(s): Clear Creek Elementary; Clear Creek Elementary School students will, upon opening of Dakota CDC, be transitioned to Kouma CDC.
Pending closure upon opening of Dakota CDC in 2012.

Young smiling boy Comanche CDC:
Comanche CDC - Bldg. 52024 Tank Destroyer

Ages: 6 weeks to Kindergarten
  • 5:30 am - 6 pm
  • closed Federal Holidays

Programs: Full Day, Part Day, and Before & After School Care

Servicing School(s): Oveta Culp Hobby Elementary

Young smiling girl Kouma CDC & SKIESUnlimited Academy:
Kouma CDC & SKIESUnlimited Academy - Bldg. 48303 Johnson Dr.

Ages: Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten
  • Before/After School Care
    (Pre-kindergarten/kindergarten attending Venable
    Village, Duncan, and Clarke Elementary Schools)
    Mon-Fri, 5:30 am - 6 pm
  • SKIESUnlimited Academy
    Afternoon, evening and Saturday

Baby smiling Montague CDC:
Montague CDC - Bldg. 70004 Clement Dr.

Ages: 6 weeks to Kindergarten
  • Full Day Care: Mon-Fri, 5:30 am - 6 pm
  • Hourly Care: Mon - Fri, 7 am - 6 pm
  • Before/After School Care
    (Pre-kindergarten/kindergarten attending Montague Village Elementary School)
    Mon-Fri, 5:30 am - 6 pm

Young smiling girl Dakota CDC (Opening 2012):
Dakota CDC (Opening 2012) - Bldg. 41015 Clear Creek
Phone: TBA

Ages: 6 weeks to Kindergarten
  • 5:30 am - 6 pm

Programs: Full Day, Part Day, Hourly, and Before & After School Care

Servicing School(s): Clarke and Duncan Elementary

Young smiling girl Meadows CDC
Meadows CDC - Bldg. 333 761st Tank Battalion

Ages: 6 weeks to Kindergarten
  • 5:30 am - 6 pm

Programs: Full Day, Part Day, Hourly, and Before & After School Care

Servicing School(s): Meadows Elementary


Family Child Care
Family Child Care (FCC), 254-287-5448: Program includes over 100 military spouses who are Army certified to provide full-day, part-day, hourly, evening, weekend, special needs, and long-term child care in their homes (on and off the installation). FCC Providers offer programs for children who are children 4 weeks - 12 years old. FCC has the advantage of low child to adult ratios, flexible hours, and family settings.

FCC offers
-- Army certified homes on and off the installation
-- Clearances/training/program/ratios
-- Independent contractors--set own hours and fees
-- Subsidy program for fee categories I and II
-- Extended hours and long-term care available
-- List available upon registration


School-Age Care (SAC)
The SAC program offers before and/or after school care for youths 1st-5th Grade. Full day programs are offered during school-out days, but all sites are closed on Federal Holidays.

Walker SAC - Bldg. 85018 Warrior Way
Phone: 254-287-4948
Grades: 1st-5th
Hours: 5:30 am - 6 pm
Programs: Care provided Before & After School, Full Day on school-out days, and Winter, Spring & Summer Camps
Servicing School(s): Meadows Elementary

Muskogee SAC (Opening 2012)
Bldg. 52973 Tank Destroyer
Phone: TBA
Grades: 1st-5th
Hours: 5:30 am - 6 pm
Programs: Care provided Before & After School, Full Day on school-out days, and Winter, Spring & Summer Camps
Servicing School(s): Duncan, Hobby, Montague, and Clarke Elementary

Sites located in on-post elementary schools provide Before & After School Care as well as Full Day Care on school-out days. Winter, Spring & Summer Camps will be offered at Walker or Muskogee SAC. Call 254-287-4948 for details.

Elementary School Sites:
• Clarke Elementary SAC
• Clear Creek Elementary SAC
• Duncan Elementary SAC
• Oveta Culp Hobby Elementary SAC
• Montague Village Elementary SAC
• Venable Village Elementary SAC
**Duncan, Hobby, Montague, and Clarke Elementary SAC sites will close upon the opening of Muskogee SAC in 2012.

Visit Parent Central Services for more information about registering for one of these great child care programs!


Kids On Site Program (KOS)
The Kids On Site program provides on-site child care during meetings and social gatherings that meet the needs of the Fort Hood community. These events may include, but are not limited to: Enlisted Spouses Club and Officers' Wives' Club events, volunteer appreciation luncheons, religious functions, deployment briefings, marriage retreats, Town Hall meetings, and Family Readiness Groups.

Child, Youth and School Services provides qualified, well trained staff to care for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years during the event. KOS increases the capability of Child Development Services hourly care program as well as making meeting attendance more attractive to parents.

Organizations wishing to take advantage of KOS during their meetings can make arrangements through the KOS office.

Reservation Procedures:
Please email your request to our distribution email HERE

Please include the following:
1. Date
2. Time
3. Organization name
4. Purpose of meeting
5. Estimated number of children
6. Location
7. POC.
Reservations must be received 2 weeks in advance.

KOS child care is available for one FRG meeting per month per unit, not to exceed 2 hours, and for mandatory deployment meetings. If deployment meeting exceeds 3 hours, the unit is responsible for providing a nutritious snack for children while they are in care.

Care must be provided at approved locations only (see “Approved KOS Locations”).

Child care arrangements must be coordinated by the unit FRSA or Commander.

Once care has been requested and scheduled, please submit the following to the KOS office no later than 72 working hours before the event: completed Memorandum of Agreement and RSVP (see links below). Once the RSVP is received, the KOS Administrative Assistant will check children’s names against the CYSS database and contact the requesting POC regarding the registration status of children listed on the RSVP.

If parents did not reserve a slot for their child or if they completed/updated their CYSS registration after the RSVP was submitted, they will need to bring their child’s current CYSS registration packet in order to receive child care as a walk-in (care will be provided only if space is available; child care providers cannot exceed Army regulated adult-child ratios).

  1. Kids On Site SOP
  2. Memorandum of Agreement for Requesting Organizations
  3. Parent Information
  4. RSVP for Requesting Organizations
  5. Approved Kids On Site Locations

For more information, call 288-2141.


Babysitter Referral
Adult and teen military Family members age 13 years and older looking to expand and market themselves for babysitting jobs can be placed on the babysitter's referral list with parent permission.

Military parents needing babysitters must complete a request form located at several locations (Parent Central Services or CDC/YC/SFRC). Once parents complete the required form, they will receive a list of babysitter information based on specified requirements (location, availability, etc). After receiving a list of babysitters, parents can make arrangements directly with the babysitter. All arrangements and fees for care are between the parent and babysitter.

Teen Requirements:
Babysitter Training class or Red Cross Babysitters Training, and valid CPR-First Aid certification. Babysitters course is free. Call for current schedule information at 287-8029. After completion of training, submit a copy of the babysitters' certification card/CPR-First Aid card along with the completed application form and parental permission form to CYSS Parent Central Services.

Adult Requirements:
CYSS approved training and valid CPR certification. CYSS caregivers can use their regular training. Adults who do not have caregiver training should go through an agency that offers an adult babysitter class (approximately 4 hours). Turn in documentation of training and completed application form to Parent Central Services.

Parents are encouraged to provide feedback on this program by calling 288-3189.

Register for the Teen Babysitting classes at Parent Central Sevices Bldg 121.

Obtain an application as well as a parental permission form for teens at the following places:

Documentation of training and completed forms may be taken in person to the Parent Central Services Office at building 283 or fax to (254)287-5123.


Volunteer Childcare in Unit Settings (VCCUS)

This volunteer-based childcare program allows for on-site care during meetings and events organized by military units, Army Community Service groups or Family and Welfare & Recreation.

Through VCCUS, Outreach Services will provide childcare training to volunteers from the military unit or organization. Therefore, the program is designed to allow the exchange of free and temporary childcare services during unit sessions when the demand for childcare is high, or when Child Development Center services are not available.

Parents and guardians of children in VCCUS must be attending the same on-post function, and must remain at the site while their child is under volunteer care. Units that are interested in the VCCUS program may call Outreach Services at 254-287-8029 or 254-288-3189.

U.S. Army Child, Youth & School Services

Red Star - Availability

White Star - Affordability

Blue Star - Quality

Army CDC is a visible symbol that the Army is committed to empowering families to become self-reliant and to meet their parental responsibilities.

Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Procedures
Army Family Covenant Entitlements
Teen Taxi
Give Parents a Break

CYS Services Online
Start new registrations, make payments on your monthly childcare fees, reprint receipts and tax statements or sign up for advertised SKIESUnlimited classes, Youth Sports or Special Activities. more...

CYSS Construction Projects - Building to Serve: One Brick at a Time
Fort Hood CYSS is expected to open nine new facilities to assist in reducing the conflict between the military mission workforce requirements and parental responsibilities. The availability of facilities, predictability of facility layout and design, and the consistency of facility standards across the Army and the Department of Defense have contributed to our programs being a model for the nation. more...
Your membership is funded by the DoD. Find sitters and military subsidized care providers right in your own neighborhood. more...

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Events/items on this web site are subject to change, please call before making plans.