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SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool

The purpose of the SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool is to assist the SRG/STIG user community in determining what SRGs and/or STIGs apply to a particular situation or Information System (IS) and to create a fully formatted document containing a “Collection” of SRGs and STIGs applicable to the situation being addressed.

The ISs or situations covered include a Base/Camp/Post/or Station (B/C/P/S), facility, Program /Service/major application, enclave, network, system, device, or vendor’s product.

The document consists of two main parts, the Guide and the Tool. The Guide is a listing of all SRGs and STIGs coupled with an explanation of the scope or coverage of each along with a table of items to which the SRG/STIG is applicable. The Tool is a structured selection process which takes the form of a flow chart / decision tree that will guide the user to the applicable SRG(s) and/or STIG(s) based on user interaction and decisions. The Collection document is created as the user interacts with the Tool and selects the applicable SRG(s) and/or STIG(s) to which they have been guided.

The Collection document can serve as an artifact in the System Authorization and Risk Management processes.

Complete instructions are included in the SRG/STIG Guide/Tool distribution package and a Quick Start Introduction & Demonstration Video is available separately.

The following additional supporting documents are included in the SRG/STIG Guide/Tool distribution package:

  • * ABOUT - SRG, CCI, STIGs, Checklists, Tools, and Automation which provides definitions and discussions of the items in the title along with other topics of interest.
  • * HOW TO VIEW - SRGs and STIGs which provides information regarding the various methods for viewing SRGs and STIGs that are published in XCCDF format.

The SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool will be updated periodically to include the most recent new SRG/STIG releases and sunset products.

For assistance, please contact

NOTICE: The SRG/STIG Applicability Guide and Collection Tool document is being republished with an updated Code Signing Certificate. The instructions for validation can be found in the READ ME FIRST document in the .zip package. The related instructions in the Quick Start Introduction & Demonstration Video have not been updated, but will be at a later date.


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