Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Near Term

  • Develop a multi-INT sensor suite for tactical unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
  • Demonstrate a 236 megapixel camera in a tactical UAS size, weight and power envelope

Mid Term

  • Develop long life (10 year) smart unattended ground sensors for site protection
  • Large area surveillance from tactical sensors across the radio frequency spectrum

Far Term

  • Smart Persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (PISR) systems that can perform complex on-board processing
  • Development of a PISR system with interchangeable sensors that functions as one


Sensors, analytic and predictive technologies, designed to enhance situational awareness and understanding to enable real-time tactical decision making while lightning the warfighter's load.

Research Challenges and Opportunities

  • Automate sensor planning based on commander's information requirements
  • Enable wide area and collaborative tactical surveillance sensor suites
  • By increasing exploitation tasks per watt, enable sensor onboard processing to move from object detection to situational understanding
  • Develop state-of-the-art power efficient sensors and algorithms

Point of Contact

Martin Kruger

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