Counter Air Defense Improvements

What Is It?

The Counter Air Defense (CAD) Improvements Future Naval Capability (FNC) will increase the kinematic performance of the AGM-88B/C/E anti-radiation missiles, thus enabling a significant extension in range capabilities.

How Does It Work?

The CAD FNC will achieve this through a combination of propulsion technologies that include state-of-the-art propellants, highly loaded grain design, and low erosion nozzles.

What Will It Accomplish?

By improving the kinematic performance of existing anti-radiation, air-to-ground weapon systems like the AARGM and HARM, CAD will ensure that U.S. forces maintain operational superiority over anti-access/area denial capabilities of any peer competitor.

The CAD Improvements FNC is developing a missile propulsion system with substantially improved kinematic capabilities for the AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) and AGM-88B/C High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM). To achieve this, CAD is developing and integrating three technologies: State-of-the-Art (SOTA) High Energy Propellants, Highly Loaded Grain, and Low Erosion Nozzles. The kinematic performance enhancements are focused on increasing the motor’s total impulse and optimizing its thrust profile in order to provide extended range.

Many of the technologies being matured in this FNC are the fruits of ONR investment in a joint-service propulsion program known as Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT). SOTA propellant formulations from both industry and government will be considered on the basis of increased total impulse power achieved across the spectrum of operational environments. Highly loaded grain technologies will be investigated to enable the “end-burning” of the solid propellant, which will allow for higher volumetric loading of propellant within the rocket motor. Low erosion materials for the nozzle design are needed to endure the greater erosive forces, temperatures and pressures yielded by the high energy propellant and longer duration burn time.

The CAD Improvements product is responding to higher kinematic and range performance requirements for both AARGM and HARM as expressed by the Fleet. In addition to substantially extending the missile’s range, the highly-loaded grain/end-burning design will provided an improvement to the missile’s Insensitive Munitions (IM) characteristics.

The product is primarily focused on transition to an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) for the AGM-88E AARGM. In addition, it could serve as a solid rocket motor technology demonstrator for use in any potential future missile system development effort.

Research Challenges and Opportunities

  • Advanced grain design for improved kinematic performance
  • Incorporating the grain design technology into production missile systems

Points of Contact

Mr. Ken Heeke                                        Mr. Jerry Kong     
ONR Code 352                                      ONR Code 352           

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