Code 35
Naval Air Warfare and Weapons

  • Image - Lightning Aircraft

Supports the Navy's power projection needs, fostering the technology development of naval aircraft, structures, propulsion, autonomy, energetics, directed energy and electric weapons.

Sea-Based Aviation

ONR seeks to leverage the resources of academia, industry and the Navy to address Sea-Based Aviation by making it the fifth National Naval Responsibility (NNR). NNRs exist to highlight areas where the Navy and Marine Corps depend on robust, long-term research that may not be driven otherwise by commercial demand. The new designation addresses science and technology (S&T) challenges associated with sea-based aircraft operations. Establishing sea-based aviation as an NNR will help ensure ONR continues focusing on necessary S&T talent and resources to meet future aviation needs specific to the Navy and Marine Corps.

Related Naval S&T Focus Areas

This department supports the Naval Science and Technology Strategic Plan in the following focus areas:

  • Assure Access to Maritime Battlespace
  • Autonomy and Unmanned Systems
  • Platform Design and Survivability
  • Power and Energy
  • Power Projection and Integrated Defense

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