• 03T - ONR Office of Transition
  • 03TEC - ONR Office of Transition, Future Naval Capabilities Program Office
  • 03TMT - ONR Office of Transition, Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program Office
  • 03TSB - ONR Office of Transition, SBIR/STTR Program Office
  • 03TTX - ONR Office of Transition, Transition Initiatives Program Office
  • ACTD - Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
  • AI - artificial intelligence
  • BAA - broad agency announcement
  • B2PCOE - Benchmarking and Best Practices Center of Excellence
  • BUMED - Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
  • C4ISR - command, control communications, computers, intelligence, surveilliance and reconnaissance
  • CMTC - Composites Manufacturing Technology Centers
  • CNIC - Navy Installations Command
  • CNST - Center for Naval Shipbuilding Technology
  • COCOM - Combatant Commander
  • COE - Center of Excellence
  • COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf
  • CRADA - Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
  • DACP - Defense Acquisition Challenge Program
  • DMC - Defense Manufacturing Conference
  • DoD - Department of Defense
  • DoN - Department of Navy
  • EC - Enabling Capability
  • EM - Electromagnetic
  • EMPF - Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility
  • EMTC - Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center
  • EOC - Electro-Optics Center
  • ERG - Executive Review Group
  • FCT - Foreign Comparative Testing Program
  • FNC - Future Naval Capability
  • FRE - Fleet Readiness Enterprise
  • GOTS - Government Off-The-Shelf
  • GWOT - Global War on Terrorism
  • iMAST - Institute for Manufacturing and Sustainment Technologies
  • INP - Innovative Naval Prototype
  • JCTD - Joint Capability Technology Demonstration
  • LCS - Littoral Combat Ship
  • ManTech - Manufacturing Technology Program
  • MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
  • MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
  • MPT&E - Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education
  • MRL - Manufacturing Readiness Level
  • NAE - Naval Air Enterprise
  • NaIL - Naval Innovation Laboratory
  • NECE - Naval Expeditionary Combatant Enterprise
  • NJC - Navy Joining Center
  • NMC - Navy Metalworking Center
  • NNFE - Naval Netwar/FORCEnet Enterprise
  • NRAC - Naval Research Advisory Committee
  • NRL - Naval Research Laboratory
  • RFP - request for proposal
  • ONR - Office of Naval Research
  • ONRG - Office of Naval Research Global
  • ORTA - Office of Research and Technology Applications
  • PEO - Program Executive Office
  • PM - Program Mananger
  • PoR - Program of Record
  • QRF - Quick Reaction Fund
  • RDD - Rapid Development and Deployment
  • RDDC - Rapid Development and Deployment Committee
  • RDT&E - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
  • REPTECH - Repair Technology Program 
  • RFQ - request for quote
  • RO - Resource Officer
  • ROI - Return on Investment
  • RTT - Rapid Technology Transition Program
  • S&T - science and technology
  • SBIR - Small Business Innovation Research
  • SME - subject-matter expert
  • STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics
  • STTR - Small Business Technology Transfer
  • SWE - Surface Warfare Enterprise
  • T2 - Technology Transfer Program
  • TIPS - Technology Insertion Program for Savings
  • TOG - Technology Oversight Group
  • TRL - Technical Readiness Level
  • TTA - Technology Transition Agreement
  • TTI - Technology Transition Initiative
  • TYCOM - Type Commander
  • USE - Undersea Enterprise
  • VCS - VIRGINIA Class Submarine


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