Dr. John PazikImage - Dr. John Pazik
Head, Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department

Dr. John C. Pazik currently serves as the deputy chief of naval research and department head for Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Science and Technology at the Office of Naval Research (ONR). He is responsible for leading, managing, directing and integrating an extensive basic, applied and advanced science and technology (S&T) research program -- $200M annually -- and advanced technology development in a range of technical disciplines and warfare areas. He was promoted to the Senior Executive Service in December 2002 and has more than 18 years of civilian service.

Previously, Pazik directed of ONR's Ship Systems and Engineering Science and Technology Division involved in the development of technologies for advanced naval power systems, platform survivability, advanced platform concepts and sea-base enablers. In that position, he managed a portfolio of basic, applied and advanced technology development programs ranging from topics in nanotechnology to aircraft carrier technologies. He has worked extensively with Navy and Marine Corps acquisition and requirements communities on the integration of various science and engineering projects in ship design, hydrodynamics, propulsion, mechanical and electrical systems as well as integrating research activities in surface connectors, expeditionary logistics, at-sea warehousing, and cargo transfer technologies with acquisition programs of record. 

Pazik engaged in development of S&T strategy for incorporation into the Navy's Next Generation Integrated Power Systems (NGIPS) master plan.  As the Navy's S&T advanced naval power and energy lead, he has worked with extensively with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the services to coordinate and plan power and energy programs. He completed a detail assignment to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs where he worked across the Department of Defense to support the Operational Energy Implementation Plan. 

He served as director of ONR's Physical Sciences Division, leading a group of chemists, physicists, and materials scientists in developing new science and technology options for future naval forces. As division director, Pazik focused resources on power and energy transfer and environmental quality to address future naval needs in these areas. He developed a balanced portfolio of programs in energy storage, energy conversion/generation, tribology, anti-fouling coatings, membranes for waste-water treatment and desalination, platform emissions and thermal management.

Prior to his selection to the Senior Executive Service, Pazik worked as a program officer at ONR during which time he developed and managed programs in nanotechnology, carbon nanotubes, solid state chemistry, electronic materials, thermoelectric materials and devices. As a program officer, he developed and managed joint programs with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency on energy conversion and molecular electronics. He served as a member of the technical staff at the Naval Research Laboratory between 1989 and 1992, where he performed research and published technical papers on the development of semiconductor materials for high-power electronic devices.

Pazik received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the State University College of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia in 1982, and his doctorate degree in inorganic chemistry from SUNY Buffalo in 1987. He was an American Society for Engineering Education postdoctoral fellow at NRL in 1987, where he focused on designing and synthesizing new organometallic precursors for semiconductor compounds.

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