Center for the Army Profession and Ethic

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Army Civilians – Members of the Army Profession

Retired Army Col. Kim Summers has written an article for Military Review entitled "The Army Civilian Corps Professionals in the Making" in which Summers argues that "... in order to integrate the Army Civilians Corps as full-fledged members of the Army Profession, it is essential to certify those that meet the criteria."

Read the full article here: The Army Civilian Corps Professionals in the Making

Strengthen your Team's Commitment to Live our Shared Identity as Trusted Army Professionals

Staff Sgt. Alfred Hames recently wrote an article entitled, "How NCOs can change a climate and strengthen a squad" for Army News, in which he mentions the origins of Not in My Squad (NIMS) and the NIMS assessment tool on the CAPE website. Hames speaks of the importance of NIMS saying, "The idea behind NIMS is to empower first-line leaders to tackle issues that are among the top priorities for senior Army leaders."

Read the full article: How NCOs can change a climate and strengthen a squad

View the NIMS assessment tool

18th Field Artillery Brigade Leaders Learn Army Profession Concepts

18th Field Artillery Brigade leaders attended a two-day Basic First Line Leaders Course (BFLLC) at Fort Bragg Feb. 9-10. The course uses resources available from the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) website. Soldiers engaged in discussion about Standards and Discipline, Trust, Military Expertise, Honorable Service and Stewardship using training support packages from CAPE's America's Army – Our Profession campaign. Brigade Chaplain Chuck Williams oversaw the two-day training.

"Through the course, we train first-line leaders in the principles of leadership and their place as leaders in the Army [P]rofession," said Williams. "It also gives them the tools they need as they endeavor to lead their Soldiers and the resources available at both the unit level and the installation."

Read the full article: Field Artillery Brigade Instills Army Profession in First Line Leaders

Unifying the Army's Components

After the National Commission on the Future of the Army released its "much-anticipated report" to the president and congress, David Barno and Nora Bensahel commented on the report in an article for "War on the Rocks." In the article, entitled, "Beyond the Army Commission: Unifying the Army's Components," Darno and Bensahel say that although the roughly 200-page report offers 63 recommendations that cover topics from manpower to firepower, the Army fell short in one vital area of the report: "concrete suggestions on how to integrate the active Army, the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard into a truly unified force." Fortunately, the authors believe, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has made "mending rifts" among the components one of his highest priorities.

Read the full article: Beyond the Army Commission: Unifying the Army's Components

Watch Gen. Mark A. Milley's Speech at NGAUS 2015:

Maj. Gen. Rainey speaks about Army Professional Certification Criteria to USMA Class of 2018

Maj. Gen. James Rainey, Commanding General of the 3rd Infantry Division, spoke to the United States Military Academy Class of 2018 at Washington Hall Feb. 6, 2016, as they celebrated the annual Yearling Winter Weekend at West Point. During his keynote speech at the banquet, Rainey spoke about the importance of the three Army professional certification criteria: Character, Competence, and Commitment

Read the full article: YWW: Maj. Gen. Rainey speaks about Character, Competence and Commitment to Class of 2018

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