Reserve Program

The Naval Reserve Science and Technology Program, Office of Naval Research-Reserve Component (ONR-RC), provides a cadre of Naval Reserve personnel responsive to Fleet technology needs. These uniquely qualified personnel, experts in many diverse scientific and technical fields, are experienced in Fleet operations and technology applications.

Naval ReservistONR-RC personnel contribute peacetime support to the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Naval Research, NRL, Warfare Centers and other research and development laboratories to implement science and technology solutions that improve Fleet readiness for crisis response, regional conflict and global war.

Edison is the on-line marketplace where reservists with science and technology skills and advanced degrees can browse and apply for research and support opportunities posted by scientists, project managers and Reserve Functional Area Coordinators in the Naval Research Enterprise and across DoD.

Fifteen units within ONR-RC, located throughout the country, support ONR and NRL. Units situated at NRL's main site also coordinate project opportunities at NRL-DC that are available to any qualified military reservist.

Link to the Careerssection of the web site

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