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Product Support Analytical Tools


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Overview: This repository profiles over 460 government and commercial tools used to help facilitate product support decisions, with an emphasis on DoD weapon system product support. This database includes decision support tools and data sources for product support modeling, simulation, management, analysis, assessment, evaluation, and logistics product data management. For each tool, you’ll find a description, the processes the tool or data source supports, the Integrated Product Support Elements the tool or data source supports, Services that use the tool or data source, and ways to view additional information about each tool or data source.

Suggest a new tool buttonSubmit feedback: The repository is a work in progress. We seek your feedback and your inputs. Sign in with an ACC account and rate any tools you’re familiar with, join a tool discussion, and suggest new tools. Suggest updates to existing tools using the Feedback button button at the top of every page.

View all tools and sort them by column header on the List of All Contributions at the bottom of this page.

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Select the process the tool should support

   Supportability Analysis processes:    Program Planning/Control processes:

OR Select which Service the tool should support

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Disclaimer: The product support analytical tools identified in this database are provided solely to assist defense acquisition workforce professionals to identify best value product support solutions which optimize system readiness and life cycle cost. Neither the Department of Defense or the Defense Acquisition University provide any warranty of these tools whatsoever, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty that the contents of the item will be error-free. This analytical tools database should under no circumstances be considered as being all-encompassing, and is in no-way meant to endorse the capabilities or products of any particular individual, company, or organization.

List of All Contributions at this location

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In This Community:
1127231 Page Views 4 Pages Emailed
1316 Meta-cards Views 528 Documents and Videos
31 Questions 5201 Attachments Downloaded
32 Answers 0 Videos Downloaded
0 Relationships and Highlights
Date CreatedThursday, November 17, 2011 5:06 PM
Date ModifiedWednesday, August 24, 2016 10:37 AM
Version Comment:

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ACC Practice Center Version 3.2
  • Application Build 3.2.9
  • Database Version 3.2.9