Marine Biofouling: Community Structure and Surface Interactions Program

Navies have been pursuing the development of anti-biofouling or foul-release marine coatings for millenia, yet the problem of biofouling remains one of significant economic and logistical concern. Fuel penalties of up to 10 percent have been attributed to increased ship hull roughness and drag due to marine biofouling. In order to improve energy efficiency and to comply with emerging state, local, federal and international regulations, ONR is supporting the development of environmentally friendly, marine biofouling-control coatings.

The program is jointly managed between ONR' Antifouling/Fouling Release Coatings program and Marine Biofouling program. The latter is focused on understanding the mechanisms by which marine invertebrate larvae settle, adhere to, and develop on submerged surfaces. Emphasis is on intra- and interspecies communication, characterization of bioadhesives and elucidating the roles of physical and chemical cues as they relate to settlement behavior and robustness of adhesion.

Investigators interested in applying for funding should submit a pre-proposal, or discuss their ideas, with the program officer listed below.

Review a List of recent awards.

Program Contact Information

Name: Dr. Linda Chrisey

Title: Program Officer

Department: Code 34

Division: Warfighter Protection and Application




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