Survivability/Lethality Analysis

Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate

The ARL Survivability/Lethality Directorate is the premier source of expertise in survivability, lethality and vulnerability (SLV) assessments, for senior leaders, developers and evaluators helping to ensure that U.S. personnel and equipment survive and function effectively in hostile circumstances.

SLAD conducts analytical investigations, modeling and simulations, and laboratory and field experiments to provide its analyses as well as technical advice, and to be the subject-matter expert on survivability and lethality matters to program executive officers (PEOs) and program managers (PMs), users, testers, the Army's independent evaluator, and other customers. Our products support milestone decisions concerning critical operational survivability and lethality issues for Army systems with critical survivability issues that could affect Soldiers' lives. In order to best serve the Army's analytical needs we leverage both research conducted by other Army labs as well as other services and conversely our work is also leveraged.


This mission area is responsible for investigating the survivability, lethality and vulnerabilities of future Army manned and unmanned ground and aerial systems. Analyses are executed in the areas of ballistics, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN), electronic warfare jamming and information assurance in support of the materiel developer, combat developer and evaluator.

Combat Systems

This mission area is responsible for conducting analyses to address the survivability and/or lethality of Army aviation, ground combat, Soldier and munitions systems against the full spectrum of battlefield threats. Analyses consist of engineering, crew casualty and modeling analysis support including pre-shot predictions, post-shot analyses, damage assessments for vehicles and structures, behind-armor debris analyses, information assurance investigations, hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) investigations, low-energy laser investigations, etc. to the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command and various program managers.

Air and Missile Defense

Air and Missile Defense

This mission area is responsible for conducting analyses to address the survivability of air and missile defense systems through tool and equipment development, testing support, and data analysis. This area provides critical data and analyses in the following domains: electronic warfare, information assurance, electromagnetic environmental effects, nuclear, biological and chemical, and live fire test and evaluation.


Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR)

This mission area is responsible for conducting survivability analyses of C4ISR systems in threat environments. ARL performs information assurance/computer network operations and electronic warfare analyses to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend mitigation techniques.

Methodologies for Future Force and Current Operations

This mission area is responsible for maintaining our ballistic survivability/lethality/vulnerability (SLV) model MUVES-S2 for current analyses and continues development of the next generation SLV model MUVES 3. ARL develops methodology for systems of systems analysis to model the performance and capabilities in the areas of computer network operations, ballistics, electronic warfare environments, and threat-specific key issues in current operations.


Last Update / Reviewed: February 16, 2011