Chemical Sciences

Extramural Basic Research Chemical Sciences

U.S. Army Research Office
P.O. Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709-2211

Commercial: (919) 549-4361
DSN: 832-4361
Fax: (919) 549-4384

Research in the Chemical Sciences Program advances our knowledge and understanding of molecular sciences for developing future military technology. As a pervasive scientific discipline, chemistry overlaps and interfaces with biology, materials sciences, physics, electronics, environmental sciences, and mathematics.

The Chemical Sciences Division supports the following research areas:

Division Chief

Dr. Robert Mantz (Acting)
(919) 549-4309

Polymer Chemistry

Dr. Dawanne Poree
(919) 549-4238

The focus of this program is high-risk/high-impact fundamental research with broad Army relevance. Of particular interest are studies of macromolecular architecture and functionality in order to understand how the molecular level affects macroscopic properties, including material performance. This includes research on new monomers, synthesizing new polymers, branching and composition effects, supramolecular assembly, and macromolecular hierarchy. Additionally, of joint interest with the Mechanical Behavior of Materials Program in the ARO Materials Science Division, are research efforts that combine polymer chemistry and materials science, such as the design and generation of new polymers coupled with detailed mechanical property studies.


Dr. Robert Mantz
(919) 549-4309

The Army relies on compact power sources to support many different weapons systems, communications, and other devices. This program is focused on fundamental research that may provide the foundation for developing advanced power generation and storage technology. The focus is fundamental chemical studies of materials and processes that limit the performance of current power sources or that enable future power sources. Topics include ionic conduction in electrolytes, electrocatalysis, fuel processing/reforming, interfacial electron transfer, transport through coatings/membranes, surface films and polymer electrolytes, chemical modeling of electrocatalysis and transport, activation of carbon-hydrogen bonds, and the development of quantitative models of electrochemical systems.

Reactive Chemical Systems

Dr. Dawanne Poree (Acting)
(919) 549-4238

Ms. Wendy Mills (Contract Support)
(919) 549-4235

This program supports basic research on catalytic reactions, functionalized surfaces, and organized assemblies that will provide the foundation for developing new materials and processes enabling Soldier protection from hazardous chemicals and materials. Of particular interest are structure-function relationships in nanostructured catalysts and understanding how a material's chemical and/or physical properties influence reactivity. Studies of fundamental kinetics and mechanisms of reactions on surfaces and at interfaces are a focal point of this program. In addition, the program is interested in the design and synthesis of self-assembled systems with responsive behaviors.

Molecular Structure and Dynamics

Dr. James Parker
(919) 549-4293

This program supports basic research in the broad areas of reaction dynamics and computational modeling. Of particular interest are the elucidation of the important chemical reactions that energetic materials undergo during detonation, research in combustion chemistry, which can ultimately lead to more efficient and clean engine technology, the development of new probes for condensed phase reactions, research on chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics, the application of high-level ab initio methods to problems in chemical reaction dynamics, and the development of new quantum chemical methods for more efficient implementation of predictive tools. Proposals that describe potentially high-risk/high-payoff research are encouraged.

Additional Information


Last Update / Reviewed: March 7, 2016