Open Campus

ARL has many opportunities please visit the Open Campus site and review the Research Areas, Collaboration Areas, and download posters.


ARL's Open Campus is a collaborative endeavor, with the goal of building a science and technology ecosystem that will encourage groundbreaking advances in basic and applied research areas of relevance to the Army. Through the Open Campus framework, ARL scientists and engineers (S&Es) will work collaboratively and side-by-side with visiting scientists in ARL's facilities, and as visiting researchers at collaborators' institutions. Central to the research collaborations is mutual scientific interest and investment by all partners - ARL's Open Campus is not a funding opportunity. The global academic community, industry, small businesses, and other government laboratories benefit from this engagement through collaboration with ARL's specialized research staff and unique technical facilities. These collaborations will build research networks, explore complex and singular problems, enable self-forming expertise-driven team building that will be well-positioned for competitive research opportunities, and expose scientists, engineers, including professors and students to realistic research applications and perspectives, helping to ensure our nation's future strength and competitiveness in these critical fields.


Key characteristics of the Open Campus initiative are:

  • Open sharing of world-class ARL facilities and research opportunities for all partners, including foreign nationals
  • Synergistic relationships with the international, academic, and entrepreneur communities
  • Creation of flexible career paths in defense research that allow easy transition between government, academia and industry
  • Investment in and strategic sharing of human capital and state-of-the-art facilities and technical infrastructure across government, industry and academia
  • Enhanced defense research environment that fosters innovation, collaboration and scientific/engineering growth and provides an incubator for rapid transition of technologies into products by entrepreneurs
  • Increased opportunities for technology advancement and transfer of research knowledge
  • Increased public involvement in defense research to create enhanced understanding of the value and importance of defense science, technology, and exploration
  • Currently, ARL seeks to attract partners for collaborative engagement in our key S&T research areas of Computational Sciences, Materials Sciences, Sciences-for-Maneuver, Information Sciences, Sciences for Lethality and Protection, Human Sciences, and Assessment and Analysis. Additional information on ARL's Open Campus and for specific collaborative opportunities please go to ARL's Open Campus website.


Last Update / Reviewed: March 5, 2014