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HOME>>About WRAIR>>News and Publications Thursday, October 20 2016

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Activation Ceremony of US Army Medical Research Directorate - West


Wednesday, 7 October marked the activation ceremony of United States Army Medical Research Directorate West (USAMRD-W). USAMRD-W, nicknamed WRAIR Pacific, is a deployable research unit designed to conduct applied behavioral health and resilience research throughout the Pacific region. Click here to read more

WRAIR mourns loss of Dr. Alan Magill


On Saturday, September 19, 2015, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) lost one of its own. For a total of 18 years, Dr. Alan Magill brought our Institute his immense talent for thoughtful inquiry, his creative intellect, his capacity for fun and especially his compassion for and love of people, sick and well. COL Alan Jon Magill is missed and mourned by many.Click here to read more

NS1: A corner piece in the dengue pathogenesis puzzle?


WRAIR Deputy Commander, COL Stephen Thomas, recently authored an editorial in Science Translational Medicine on the work of Beatty et al. regarding dengue virus NS1 protein. Click here to read excerpts and the full editorial:

Improving Combat Casualty Care


WRAIR scientists are the leading researchers in resilience and performance enhancement in military health. Using skills from Deployment Cycle Resilience Training (formerly Battlemind), and Resilience Training for Basic Combat Training, WRAIR's Research Transition Office is working with the Program Executive Office for Simulation Training and Instrumentation (PEO-STRI) on a new module to prepare all Soldiers, not just medics, for immediate combat casualty care....

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Infection with Multiple HIV-1 Variants Leads to Poorer Clinical Outcomes


August 31, 2015 (SILVER SPRING, Md.) — HIV-1 infection with multiple founder variants points to poorer clinical outcomes than infection with a single variant, according to a paper published today in the journal Nature Medicine......

Click here to see full press release prepared by WRAIR’s U.S. Military HIV Research Program (MHRP).

MRSN team awarded MHSRS Outstanding Research Award


Congratulations to COL Emil Lesho and his MRSN team for receiving the 2015 Military Health System Research Symposium award as the 2015 Outstanding Research Accomplishment as an intramural team.

Click here to read the full story

WRAIR's Drs. Caudle and Madathil receive the MHSRS First Place Poster Award


Congratulations to Dr. Krista Caudle and Dr. Sindhu Madathil of the Brain Trauma Neuroprotection and Neurorestoration (BTNN) Branch, Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience, WRAIR, for their award-winning presentations in the poster competition at the Military Health Services Research Symposium (MHSRS) this year.

Click here to read the full story

India Armed Forces Medical Services visits WRAIR


On 31 July, the Director General of the India Armed Forces visited the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research accompanied by the USPACOM Command Surgeon. WRAIR Commander, COL Renta, welcomed the delegation and provided the delegation with a brief overview of the Institute’s mission and research efforts under the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and the Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience.

Click here to read the full story

Congratulations to SSG Link on his reenlistment


On 31 July, SSG Randall Link reenlisted with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Reenlistment provides Soldiers with the opportunity to move into a shortage military occupational specialty (MOS) and improve their career development and promotion opportunities, consistent with the needs of the Army.

Click here to read the full story

First in-human testing to show efficacy in WRAIR's malaria challenge model


RTS,S is the most advanced malaria vaccine candidate in development globally. Created in 1987 by scientists working at GSK laboratories, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research collaborated with GSK to develop and test during early clinical development of the malaria vaccine candidate.

Click here to read the full story

Click here to read archived news

Achieved Publications
   Click here for all 2015 WRAIR Publications PDF Icon
   Click here for WRAIR 2014 Publications PDF Icon
   Click here for all WRAIR 2013 peer-reviewed publications PDF Icon
   Click here for WRAIR 2012 publications PDF Icon
For 2011, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research published 319 journal articles. To view the full list of WRAIR's publications in 2011, please click herePDF Icon to read.

Last Modified Date: 15-October-2015

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