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Section Contents
1513.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 1513.1—General

1513.170 Competition exceptions and justification for sole source simplified acquisition procedures.
1513.170-1 Contents of sole source justifications.

Subpart 1513.4—Imprest Fund [Reserved]

Subpart 1513.5—Purchase Orders

1513.505 Purchase order and related forms.
1513.507 Clauses.

Authority: Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 390, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 61 FR 57338, Nov. 6, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

1513.000 Scope of part.

This part prescribes EPA policies and procedures for the acquisition of supplies, nonpersonal services, and construction from commercial sources, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.

Subpart 1513.1—General

1513.170 Competition exceptions and justification for sole source simplified acquisition procedures.

1513.170-1 Contents of sole source justifications.

The program office submitting the procurement request must submit, as a separate attachment, a brief written statement in support of sole source acquisitions exceeding the micro-purchase threshold. The statement must cite one or more of the circumstances in FAR 6.302 and the necessary facts to support each circumstance. Although program offices may not cite the authority in FAR 6.302–7, the public interest may be used as a basis to support a sole source acquisition. If the acquisition has been synopsized as a notice of proposed sole source acquisition, the statement must include the results of the evaluation of responses to the synopsis.

Subpart 1513.4—Imprest Fund [Reserved]

Subpart 1513.5—Purchase Orders

1513.505 Purchase order and related forms.

Contracting Officers may use the EPA Form 1900–8, Procurement Request/Order, in lieu of Optional Forms 347 and 348 for individual purchases prepared in accordance with the instructions printed on the reverse thereof (see 1552.213–70).

[61 FR 57338, Nov. 6, 1996. Redesignated at 62 FR 33572, June 20, 1997]

1513.507 Clauses.

(a) It is the general policy of the Environmental Protection Agency that Contractor or vendor prescribed leases or maintenance agreements for equipment shall not be executed.

(b) The Contracting Officer shall, where appropriate, insert the clause at 1552.213–70, Notice to Suppliers of Equipment, in orders for purchases or leases of automatic data processing equipment, word processing, and similar types of commercially available equipment for which vendors, as a matter of routine commercial practice, have developed their own leases and/or customer service maintenance agreements.

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