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Section Contents
1425.003 Definitions.

Subpart 1425.1—Buy American Act—Supplies

1425.103 Exceptions.
1425.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.

Subpart 1425.2—Buy American Act—Construction Materials

1425.202 Exceptions.
1425.206 Noncompliance.

Subpart 1425.7—Prohibited Sources

1425.701 Restriction on acquisition of supplies or services from prohibited sources.

Subpart 1425.10—Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations

1425.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.

Authority: Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 390, 40 U.S.C. 486(c); and 5 U.S.C. 301.

Source: 75 FR 19829, Apr. 15, 2010, unless otherwise noted.

1425.003 Definitions.

Impracticable, as used in this subpart, includes reasons other than cost, and availability.

Manufacture, as used in this subpart, means completion of an end product in the form required to meet specifications. It includes only direct incorporation of components into the end products to alter the original material and establish the identity/character of the end product, and excludes other supplies, materials, and requirements such as testing, manuals, related equipment, etc.

Subpart 1425.1—Buy American Act—Supplies

1425.103 Exceptions.

(a) The AS/PMB is authorized to make the determination that a foreign end item will be acquired for Government use because preference for a U.S. item would be inconsistent with the public interest. Such determinations shall be prepared by the CO and submitted by the HCA to the Director, PAM for further action.

(b) The Director, PAM is authorized to make the determination that an article, material or supply not included in the list under FAR 25.104 is not mined, produced, or manufactured in the U.S. in sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of satisfactory quality. Determinations shall be prepared by the CO and submitted by the BPC for approval.

(c) Contracting activities which have information justifying the removal of an item from the list under FAR 25.104 shall submit such information to the Director, PAM for further disposition.

1425.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.

(a) In unusual circumstances, the Director, PAM may authorize the use of evaluation differentials other than those prescribed in FAR 25.105 for a particular acquisition.

(b) Requests for use of other evaluation differentials shall be submitted by the HCA to the Director, PAM for further action.

Subpart 1425.2—Buy American Act—Construction Materials

1425.202 Exceptions.

(a)(1) The CO may determine the reasonableness of cost as determined by the formula in 1425.203–70.

(2) The Director, PAM has the authority to make the determination that use of U.S. construction material would be impracticable. Failure of the Director, PAM to issue a determination within 30 days after receipt of a request will be deemed approval for use of the cited foreign material.

(3) For items not on the list at FAR 25.108(d), the CCO may make the non-availability determination if the items cost less than the SAT. The HCA may make the non-availability determination when the cost of the items exceeds the SAT.

(b) [Reserved]

1425.206 Noncompliance.

The CO will report, in writing, any use of non-excepted, foreign construction materials by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers through the HCA to the Director, PAM for debarment action in accordance with Subpart 1409.4.

Subpart 1425.7—Prohibited Sources

1425.701 Restriction on acquisition of supplies or services from prohibited sources.

The AS/PMB is authorized to request permission from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for DOI use of supplies and services from the sources described in FAR 25.701. Requests shall be prepared by the CO and submitted through the HCA to the Director, PAM.

Subpart 1425.10—Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations

1425.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.

The Director, PAM is authorized to make the determinations prescribed in FAR 25.1001(b). Determinations shall be prepared by the CO and submitted through the HCA to the Director, PAM.

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