Sciences-for-Lethality and Protection Campaign Plan

Sciences-for-Lethality and Protection Campaign Plan

Sciences-for-Lethality and Protection is focused on gaining a greater understanding of emerging technologies that support weapon systems, protection systems, and the mechanisms of injury affecting the warfighter through Lethality Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms, Protection Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms, and Battlefield Injury Mechanisms.

MISSION: To discover, innovate, and transition S&T capabilities that (1) facilitate the development of discriminant lethality across a broad range of missions; (2) facilitate the development of protection systems that are effective, fieldable, and affordable against a broad array of threats; and (3) enable robust technical tools and methodologies for evaluation and combat decision aids.

VISION: Lethality systems available to commanders of the Army of 2030 are precise, long range, and highly mobile. Protection systems are light weight, low burden, affordable, and resilient towards a broad array of threats. A fundamental understanding of injury mechanisms is exploited for a safer, more effective force. A globally responsive, lethal, and resilient force serves as a significant deterrent to rising conflict. The desired end state is to leverage the range of S&T enablers to provide forces with the right lethality at any place and time without increased warfighter risk and warfighter protection against the continuum of threats without degrading combat power.

The Sciences-for-Lethality and Protection technical emphasis areas include Lethality Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms; Protection Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms; and Battlefield Injury Mechanics.

Lethality Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms concentrates on understanding and exploiting the fundamental aspects of launch and control; electronic attack; directed energy mechanisms; and target effects.

Protection Research for Soldiers and Army Platforms concentrates on understanding and exploiting the fundamental aspects of protection against ballistic threats; directed energy threats; and CBRNE threats.

Battlefield Injury Mechanisms concentrates on understanding and exploiting the fundamental aspects of human combat injury mechanisms.


Last Update / Reviewed: February 5, 2015