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Part 515— Contracting by Negotiation

Subpart 515.2— Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and Information

515.201 Exchanges with industry before receipt of proposals.

(a) The contracting officer must communicate and collaborate with industry prior to receipt of proposal to the maximum extent practicable. Vendor engagement is key in providing sound solutions in support of the GSA mission and the missions of the customers served by GSA while promoting opportunities for small business. Communication and collaboration tools can be found in the Vendor Communication Plan (

(b) The contracting officer should partner with representatives of the Office of Small Business Utilization (OSBU) to structure opportunities for communicating and collaborating with industry.

515.204 Contract format.

(a) The uniform contract format is not required for leases of real property (See GSAM 570.116).

(b) The Senior Procurement Executive is the agency head's designee for the purposes of granting exemptions to the use of the Uniform Contract Format (see FAR 15.204(e).

515.208 Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals.

515.208-70 Restrictions on disclosure or use of data.

If the contracting officer receives a proposal with more restrictive conditions than those in the provision at FAR 52.215-1(e), then the contracting officer should ask whether the offeror is willing to accept the conditions of the paragraph at FAR 52.215-1(e). If the offeror refuses, then the contracting officer must consult with legal counsel before deciding whether to accept the proposal as marked or return it. See also FAR 3.104-4(d) and FAR 27.404-5.]

515.209 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

515.209-70 Examination of records by GSA clause.

Clause for other than multiple award schedules

(a) Examination of records by GSA clause for other than multiple award schedule (MAS) contracts. Insert the clause at 552.215-70, Examination of Records by GSA, in all solicitations and contracts above the simplified acquisition threshold, including acquisitions of leasehold interests in real property, that meet any of the conditions listed below:

(b) Insert the clause at 552.215-73, Notice, in all solicitations for negotiated procurements above the simplified acquisition threshold in accordance with FAR part 15.

Clause for multiple award schedules

(c) Insert the clause at 552.215-71, Examination of Records by GSA (Multiple Award Schedule), in solicitations and contracts for MAS contracts.

(d) With the Senior Procurement’s Executive approval, you may modify the clause at 552.215-71 to provide for post-award access to and the right to examine records to verify that the pre-award/modification pricing, sales or other data related to the supplies or services offered under the contract which formed the basis for the award/modification was accurate, current, and complete. The following procedures apply:

(1) Such a modification of the clause must provide for the right of access to expire 2 years after award or modification.

(2) Before modifying the clause, you must make a determination that absent such access there is a likelihood of significant harm to the Government and submit it to the Senior Procurement Executive for approval.

515.210 Forms.

515.210-70 GSA Form 1602.

(a) The contracting officer may use GSA Form 1602, Notice Concerning Solicitation, to do any of the following:

(b) If GSA Form 1602 is not used, the contracting officer shall place notices and mandated paragraphs in Section L of the solicitation.

Subpart 515.3— Source Selection

515.303 Responsibilities.

The Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) is the agency head designee that appoints someone other than the contracting officer as the source selection authority (see FAR 15.303(a)).

515.305 Proposal Evaluation.

(a) Price Analysis. See subpart 538.2 Establishing and Administering Federal Supply Schedules, for additional procedures when establishing Federal Supply Schedules.

(b) Past performance evaluation. See subpart 542.15 Contractor Performance Information.

515.305-70 Use of nongovernment evaluators.

(a) Conditions. To use nongovernment evaluators, contracting officers must meet the restrictions in FAR 7.503, FAR 37.203 and GSAR 537.2. See also FAR subpart 3.11 and Office of Federal Procurement Policy Letter 11-1, Performance of Inherently Governmental and Critical Functions (

(b) Limitations on disclosing proposal information. The contracting officer may disclose proposal information outside the Government before the Government’s decision as to contract award only to the extent authorized in this section. Disclosure and handling must comply with FAR 3.1 and GSAM 503.104-4.

(c) Relationship to the Freedom of Information Act. Release of a proposal outside the Government for evaluation does not constitute the release of information under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).

515.305-71 Actions before releasing proposals.

Before releasing any proposal to an evaluator, the contracting officer must take all of the following actions:

(a) Obtain the signed, original “Conflict of Interest Acknowledgment and Nondisclosure Agreement” from each Government and nongovernment individual serving as an evaluator. Use the Acknowledgment/Agreement in Figure 515.3-1. Conflict of Interest Acknowledgment and Nondisclosure Agreement.

“(c) I have read and understand the requirements of 41 U.S.C. 2102.”

(b) Attach to each proposal a cover page bearing the following notice:

Government Notice for Handling Proposals

To anyone receiving this proposal or proposal abstract–

Figure 515.3-1. Conflict of Interest Acknowledgment and Nondisclosure Agreement

For proposals submitted in response to GSA solicitation no. , I agree to the following:

(a) To the best of my knowledge and belief, no conflict of interest exists that may either–

(b) In making the above statement, I have considered all the following factors that might place me in a position of conflict, real or apparent, with the evaluation proceedings:

(c) I have read and understand the requirements of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (5 CFR part 2635) and Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the General Services Administration (5 CFR part 6701).

(d) I have a continuing obligation to disclose any circumstances that may create an actual or apparent conflict of interest. If I learn of any such conflict, I will report it immediately to the contracting officer. I will cease performing duties related to evaluating proposals until I receive instructions on the matter.

(e) I will use proposal information for evaluation purposes only. I understand that any authorized restriction on disclosure placed on the proposal by the prospective contractor, prospective subcontractor, or the Government applies to any reproduction or abstracted information of the proposal.

(f) I will use my best efforts to safeguard proposal information physically. I will not disclose the contents of, nor release any information about, the proposals to anyone other than–

(g) After completing evaluation, I will return to the Government all copies of the proposals and any abstracts.

(h) GSA Appropriations Act restriction. These restrictions are consistent with and do not supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter the employee obligations, rights, or liabilities created by Executive Order No. 12958; section 7211 of title 5, United States Code (governing disclosures to Congress); section 1034 of title 10, United States Code, as amended by the Military Whistleblower Protection Act (governing disclosure to Congress by members of the military); section 2302(b)(8) of title 5, United States Codes, as amended by the Whistleblower Protection Act (governing disclosures of illegality, waste, fraud, abuse or public health or safety threats); the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (50 U.S.C. 421 et seq.) (governing disclosures that could expose confidential Government agents); and the statutes which protect against disclosure that may compromise the national security, including sections 641, 793, 794, 798, and 952 of title 18, United States Code, and section 4(b) of the Subversive Activities Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 783(b)). The definitions, requirements, obligations, rights, sanctions, and liabilities created by said Executive order and listed statutes are incorporated into this agreement and are controlling.


(Enter name of evaluator and organization)



515.306 Exchanges with offerors after receipt of proposals.

Limit access to Government cost estimates to Government personnel whose official duties require knowledge of the estimate. During negotiations, the contracting officer you may disclose part or all of the Government estimate under FAR 15.306(e) when necessary to arrive at a fair and reasonable price. After award, the contracting officer may reveal the total amount of the independent Government estimate.

Subpart 515.4— Contract Pricing

515.403 Obtaining certified cost or pricing data.

515.403-4 Requiring certified cost or pricing data (10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. 254b).

To determine if a contract action meets the threshold at FAR 15.403-4 for requesting certified cost and pricing data, the contracting officer shall consider the value of the action plus any priced options. Exercise of a priced option is not a price adjustment and does not require submission of certified cost and pricing data.

515.404-2 Information to support proposal analysis.

(a) “Field pricing assistance” is provided by the Assistant Inspector General for Auditing, or the Regional Inspector General for Auditing, as appropriate.

(b) Follow the procedures in GSA Order, Audit resolution and follow-up system, Ch. 3 (ADM P 2030.2C) for handling contract audit reports.

515.404-4 Profit.

515.404-70 Profit Analysis.

(a) Structured approach for determining profit or fee objectives. The contracting officer shall base the analysis of profit factors on information available to the Government before negotiations. The contracting officer may obtain such information from proposals, audit data, performance reports, preaward surveys and the like. The structured approach helps establish a profit objective. It also provides a basis for documenting the objective, including an explanation of any significant departure from this objective in reaching a final agreement. Prepare documentation commensurate with the dollar value and complexity of the proposed procurement.

(b) Exemptions from requirement to use the structured approach.

(c) Other methods for exempted procurements. Under exempted procurements, the contracting officer shall use other methods for establishing profit objectives. In general, the contracting officer shall use methods supported in a manner similar to the structured approach (profit factor breakdown and documentation of profit objective). Exclude factors within the structured approach that do not apply to the procurement.

(d) Profit-analysis factors. The contracting officer shall consider the following factors when negotiating profit. Use the weight ranges listed after each factor when using the structured approach.


Profit Factors

Weight Ranges in Percent

Contractor Effort

Material acquisition

1 to 4

Conversion direct labor

4 to 12

Conversion related indirect cost:

Other costs

General management

1 to 3

2 to 5

Other Factors

Contract cost risk

0 to 7

Capital investments

-2 to +2

Federal socioeconomic programs

-.5 to +.5

Cost-control and other past accomplishments

-2 to +2

Independent development and additional factors

-2 to +2

(e) GSA Form 1766. The contracting officer may use GSA Form 1766, Structured Approach Profit/Fee Objective, to help compute the profit objective. Measure the Contractor Effort by assigning a profit percentage within the designated weight ranges to each element of cost recognized.

(f) Facilities capital cost of money. If the contracting officer allows facilities capital cost of money as an item of cost, either as a part of the price/cost objective in a firm fixed price type contract or as an allowable cost in a flexibly priced type contract, e.g., cost reimbursement or fixed price incentive type contract, reduce the profit/fee objective as follows. After a dollar profit/fee amount for the requirement is developed, subtract from that aggregate dollar profit/fee amount any dollar amount allowed for facilities capital cost of money. The remainder is the profit/fee objective.

(g) Calculating profit dollars. After computing a total dollar profit for Contractor Effort, calculate the specific profit dollars for the categories under Other Factors. Do this by multiplying the total Government cost objective, excluding any cost of money for facilities capital, by the specific weights assigned to the elements in Other Factors.

(h) Common factors. In determining the value of each factor, consider the definition, description, and purpose of the factors prescribed in FAR 15.404-4(d) and this subsection.

(i) Nonprofit organizations.

515.408 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

MAS Requests for Information Other Than Cost or Pricing Data

(a) Use Alternate IV of the FAR provision at 52.215-20, Requirements for Cost or Pricing Data or Information Other Than Cost or Pricing Data, for MAS solicitations to provide the format for submission of information other than cost or pricing data for MAS solicitations. To provide uniformity in requests under the MAS program, you should insert the following in paragraph (b) of the provision:

(1) An offer prepared and submitted in accordance with the clause at 552.212-70, Preparation of Offer (Multiple Award Schedule).

(2) Commercial sales practices. When the solicitation contains the basic clause 552.238-74 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, the Offeror must submit information in the format provided in this solicitation in accordance with the instructions at Figure 515.4-2 of the GSA Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR 515.4-2), or submit information in the Offeror's own format.

(3) Any additional supporting information requested by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may require additional supporting information, but only to the extent necessary to determine whether the price(s) offered is fair and reasonable.

(4) By submission of an offer in response to this solicitation, the Offeror grants the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative the right to examine, at any time before initial award, books, records, documents, papers, and other directly pertinent records to verify the pricing, sales and other data related to the supplies or services proposed in order to determine the reasonableness of price(s). Access does not extend to Offeror’s cost or profit information or other data relevant solely to the Offeror’s determination of the prices to be offered in the catalog or marketplace.

(b) When the contract contains the basic clause 552.238-74 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, insert the following format for commercial sales practices in the exhibits or attachments section of the solicitation and resulting contract (see FAR 12.303).


Name of Offeror SIN(s)

NOTE: Please refer to Clause 552.212-70, Preparation of Offer (Multiple Award Schedule), for additional information concerning your offer. Provide the following information for each SIN (or group of SINs or SubSIN for which information is the same).

(1) Provide the dollar value of sales to the general public at or based on an established catalog or market price during the previous 12-month period or the offerors last fiscal year: $ . State beginning and ending of the 12 month period. Beginning ending . In the event that a dollar value is not an appropriate measure of the sales, provide and describe your own measure of the sales of the item(s).

(2) Show your total projected annual sales to the Government under this contract for the contract term, excluding options, for each SIN offered. If you currently hold a Federal Supply Schedule contract for the SIN the total projected annual sales should be based on your most recent 12 months of sales under that contract.




(3) Based on your written discounting policies (standard commercial sales practices in the event you do not have written discounting policies), are the discounts and any concessions which you offer the Government equal to or better than your best price (discount and concessions in any combination) offered to any customer acquiring the same items regardless of quantity or terms and conditions? YES NO (See definition of “concession” and “discount” in 552.212-70.)


(a) Based on your written discounting policies (standard commercial sales practices in the event you do not have written discounting policies), provide information as requested for each SIN (or group of SINs for which the information is the same) in accordance with the instructions at Figure 515.4-2, which is provided in this solicitation for your convenience. The information should be provided in the chart below or in an equivalent format developed by the offeror. Rows should be added to accommodate as many customers as required.

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3


Column 4

FOB Term

Column 5



(b) Do any deviations from your written policies or standard commercial sales practices disclosed in the above chart ever result in better discounts (lower prices) or concessions than indicated? YES NO . If YES, explain deviations in accordance with the instructions at Figure 515.4-2, which is provided in this solicitation for your convenience.

(5) If you are a dealer/reseller without significant sales to the general public, you should provide manufacturers’ information required by paragraphs (1) through (4) above for each item/SIN offered, if the manufacturer’s sales under any resulting contract are expected to exceed $500,000. You must also obtain written authorization from the manufacturer(s) for Government access, at any time before award or before agreeing to a modification, to the manufacturer’s sales records for the purpose of verifying the information submitted by the manufacturer. The information is required in order to enable the Government to make a determination that the offered price is fair and reasonable. To expedite the review and processing of offers, you should advise the manufacturer(s) of this requirement. The contracting officer may require the information be submitted on electronic media with commercially available spreadsheet(s). The information may be provided by the manufacturer directly to the Government. If the manufacturer’s item(s) is being offered by multiple dealers/resellers, only one copy of the requested information should be submitted to the Government. In addition, you must submit the following information along with a listing of contact information regarding each of the manufacturers whose products and/or services are included in the offer (include the manufacturer’s name, address, the manufacturer’s contact point, telephone number, and FAX number) for each model offered by SIN:

(a) Manufacturer’s Name.

(b) Manufacturer’s Part Number.

(c) Dealer’s/Reseller’s Part Number.

(d) Product Description.

(e) Manufacturer’s List Price.

(f) Dealer’s/Reseller’s percentage discount from list price or net prices.

(End of Format)

(c) When the contract contains the basic clause 552.238-74 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, include the instructions for completing the commercial sales practices format in Figure 515.4-2 in solicitations issued under the MAS program.

Figure 515.4-2. Instructions for Commercial Sales Practices Format

If you responded “YES” to question (3), on the COMMERCIAL SALES PRACTICES FORMAT, complete the chart in question (4)(a) for the customer(s) who receive your best discount. If you responded “NO”, complete the chart in question (4)(a) showing your written policies or standard sales practices for all customers or customer categories to whom you sell at a price (discounts and concessions in combination) that is equal to or better than the price(s) offered to the Government under this solicitation or with which the Offeror has a current agreement to sell at a discount which equals or exceeds the discount(s) offered under this solicitation. Such agreement shall be in effect on the date the offer is submitted or contain an effective date during the proposed multiple award schedule contract period. If your offer is lower than your price to other customers or customer categories, you will be aligned with the customer or category of customer that receives your best price for purposes of the Price Reductions clause at 552.238-75 . The Government expects you to provide information required by the format in accordance with these instructions that is, to the best of your knowledge and belief, current, accurate, and complete as of 14 calendar days prior to its submission. You must also disclose any changes in your price list(s), discounts and/or discounting policies which occur after the offer is submitted, but before the close of negotiations. If your discount practices vary by model or product line, the discount information should be by model or product line as appropriate. You may limit the number of models or product lines reported to those which exceed 75% of actual historical Government sales (commercial sales may be substituted if Government sales are unavailable) value of the special item number (SIN).

Column 1—Identify the applicable customer or category of customer.

A “customer” is any entity, except the Federal Government, which acquires supplies or services from the Offeror. The term customer includes, but is not limited to original equipment manufacturers, value added resellers, state and local Governments, distributors, educational institutions (an elementary, junior high, or degree granting school which maintains a regular faculty and established curriculum and an organized body of students), dealers, national accounts, and end users. In any instance where the Offeror is asked to disclose information for a customer, the Offeror may disclose information by category of customer if the Offeror’s discount policies or practices are the same for all customers in the category. (Use a separate line for each customer or category of customer.)

Column 2—Identify the discount.

The term “discount” is as defined in solicitation clause 552.212-70, Preparation of Offer (Multiple Award Schedule). Indicate the best discount (based on your written discounting policies or standard commercial discounting practices if you do not have written discounting policies) at which you sell to the customer or category of customer identified in column 1, without regard to quantity; terms and conditions of the agreements under which the discounts are given; and whether the agreements are written or oral. Net prices or discounts off of other price lists should be expressed as percentage discounts from the price list which is the basis of your offer. If the discount disclosed is a combination of various discounts (prompt payment, quantity, etc.), the percentage should be broken out for each type of discount. If the price lists which are the basis of the discounts given to the customers identified in the chart are different than the price list submitted upon which your offer is based, identify the type or title and date of each price list.

The contracting officer may require submission of these price lists. To expedite evaluation, offerors may provide these price lists at the time of submission.

Column 3—Identify the quantity or volume of sales.

Insert the minimum quantity or sales volume which the identified customer or category of customer must either purchase/order, per order or within a specified period, to earn the discount. When purchases/orders must be placed within a specified period to earn a discount indicate the time period.

Column 4—Indicate the FOB delivery term for each identified customer.

See FAR 47.3 for an explanation of FOB delivery terms.

Column 5—Indicate concessions regardless of quantity granted to the identified customer or category of customer.

Concessions are defined in solicitation clause 552.212-70, Preparation of Offers (Multiple Award Schedule). If the space provided is inadequate, the disclosure should be made on a separate sheet by reference.

If you respond “YES” to question 4(b) in the Commercial Sales Practices Format, provide an explanation of the circumstances under which you deviate from your written policies or standard commercial sales practices disclosed in the chart on the Commercial Sales Practices Format and explain how often they occur. Your explanation should include a discussion of situations that lead to deviations from standard practice, an explanation of how often they occur, and the controls you employ to assure the integrity of your pricing. Examples of typical deviations may include, but are not limited to, one time goodwill discounts to charity organizations or to compensate an otherwise disgruntled customer; a limited sale of obsolete or damaged goods; the sale of sample goods to a new customer; or the sales of prototype goods for testing purposes.

If deviations from your written policies or standard commercial sales practices disclosed in the chart on the Commercial Sales Practices Format are so significant and/or frequent that the Contracting Officer cannot establish whether the price(s) offered is fair and reasonable, then you may be asked to provide additional information. The Contracting Officer may ask for information to demonstrate that you have made substantial sales of the item(s) in the commercial market consistent with the information reflected on the chart on the Commercial Sales Practices Format, a description of the conditions surrounding those sales deviations, or other information that may be necessary in order for the Contracting Officer to determine whether your offered price(s) is fair and reasonable. In cases where additional information is requested, the Contracting Officer will target the request in order to limit the submission of data to that needed to establish the reasonableness of the offered price.

(End of Figure)

(d) When the contract contains the basic clause 552.238-74 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, insert the clause at 552.215-72, Price Adjustment-Failure to Provide Accurate Information, in solicitations and contracts under the MAS program.

(e) Use Alternate IV of FAR 52.215-21, Requirements for Cost or Pricing Data or Information Other Than Cost or Pricing Data—Modifications, to provide for submission of information other than cost or pricing data for MAS contracts. To provide for uniformity in requests under the MAS program, insert the following in paragraph (b) of the clause:

(1) Information required by the clause at 552.238-81, Modifications (Multiple Award Schedule).

(2) Any additional supporting information requested by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may require additional supporting information, but only to the extent necessary to determine whether the price(s) offered is fair and reasonable.

(3) By submitting a request for modification, the Contractor grants the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative the right to examine, at any time before agreeing to a modification, books, records, documents, papers, and other directly pertinent records to verify the pricing, sales and other data related to the supplies or services proposed in order to determine the reasonableness of price(s). Access does not extend to Contractor’s cost or profit information or other data relevant solely to the Contractor’s determination of the prices to be offered in the catalog or marketplace.

Subpart 515.6—Unsolicited Proposals

515.601 Definitions.

“Coordinating office,” as used in this subpart, means:

(a) The Senior Procurement Executive for all Central Office activities.

(b) The office designated in writing by the Regional Administrator in the Regions.

515.606 Agency procedures.

Coordinating offices serve as agency points of contact and establish procedures for controlling the receipt, evaluation, and timely disposition of proposals consistent with FAR 15.6.

515.606-2 Evaluation.

Complete the evaluation as soon as practicable, normally within 45 calendar days. Communicate the results of the evaluation to the offeror.

515.609 Limited use of data.

When releasing an unsolicited proposal for evaluation, use the “Conflict of Interest Acknowledgment and Nondisclosure Agreement” in Figure 515.3-1 .

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