NRL Director of Research and Former Commanding Officer Receive Prestigious Technology Transfer Award

7/17/2006 - 43-06r
Contact: Public Affairs Office, (202) 767-2541

Dr. John Montgomery, Director of Research, and Captain David Schubert, USN (ret.), former Commanding Officer of the Naval Research Laboratory, have been jointly recognized with a 2006 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Laboratory Director of the Year award. The FLC is a nationwide network of federal laboratories whose mission is to promote and facilitate the rapid movement of federal laboratory research results and technologies into the mainstream of the U.S. economy.

The Laboratory Director of the Year Award recognizes directors of FLC member laboratories for their contributions to the overall enhancement of technology transfer for economic development and their support of the FLC and its activities. According to the FLC, the combined leadership of Dr. Montgomery and Captain Schubert leveraged the NRL research investment to yield greater benefits in the private and public sectors. Together, this team has effectively fostered process improvements, staff growth, and an extensive NRL interface, all of which have yielded a dynamically growing NRL technology transfer program.

Under Dr. Montgomery's and Captain Schubert's leadership, the results of new technology transfer teamwork and revitalized processes are evident. During FY05, NRL technology transfer received $711,207 in licensing fees and royalties, representing more than half of the licensing revenue collected by the entire U.S. Navy for that year. Fourteen patent licenses were executed in FY05. In addition, the number of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements increased to 38, collectively yielding $1,467,000 in funds.

There are two primary mechanisms by which the NRL transfers its technologies to the public sector: patent licensing agreements and cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs). NRL maintains an extensive portfolio of patents covering important technological developments in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. NRL has been authorized by the Navy to negotiate licenses for the use of the Navy's patented technologies. Under the scope of a CRADA, NRL scientists work with non-Federal parties to perform research and development on subjects of mutual interest and benefit. Often, such a cooperative research program will be associated with a patent licensing agreement to adapt NRL's patented techologies to a particular product or service.

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About the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory provides the advanced scientific capabilities required to bolster our country's position of global naval leadership. The Laboratory, with a total complement of approximately 2,500 personnel, is located in southwest Washington, D.C., with other major sites at the Stennis Space Center, Miss., and Monterey, Calif. NRL has served the Navy and the nation for over 90 years and continues to advance research further than you can imagine. For more information, visit the NRL website or join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

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