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Subpart 3037.1 Service Contracts – General
3037.103 [Removed and reserved]
3037.103-70 [Removed]
3037.103-71 [Removed]
3037.104 Personal services contracts.
3037.104-70 Personal services contracts.
3037.104-90 Personal services contracts (USCG).
3037.104-91 Personal services with individuals under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 1091 (USCG).
3037.110-70 [Removed and reserved]

Subpart 3037.1 Service Contracts – General

3037.103 [Removed and reserved]

3037.103-70 [Removed]

3037.103-71 [Removed]

3037.104 Personal services contracts.

3037.104-70 Personal services contracts.

(b) Authorization to acquire the personal services of experts and consultants is included in section 832 of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 392. This section includes authority to use personal service contracts without regard to the pay limitation of 5 U.S.C. 3109 when the services are necessary due to an urgent homeland security need.

3037.104-90 Personal services contracts (USCG).

The U.S. Coast Guard HCA may enter into medical personal services contracts in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 1091.

3037.104-91 Personal services contracts with individuals under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 1091 (USCG).

(a) Health care personal services contracts awarded to individuals shall be selected through procedures established in this section. Selections made using the procedures in this section are exempt by statute from (HSAR) 48 CFR part 3006 competition requirements (see (HSAR) 48 CFR 3006.9000 (USCG)) and from (FAR) 48 CFR Part 6 competition requirements.

(b) The contracting officer shall provide adequate advance notice of contracting opportunities to individuals residing in the area of the facility. The notice should include the qualification criteria against which individuals responding shall be evaluated. Contracting officers shall solicit offerors through the most effective means of seeking competition, such as a local publication, which serves the area of the facility. Acquisitions of health care services using personal services contracts are exempt from posting and synopsis requirements of (FAR) 48 CFR Part 5.

(c) The contracting officer shall provide the qualifications of individuals responding to the notice to the representative(s) responsible for evaluation and ranking according to the evaluation procedures. Individuals shall be considered solely on the professional qualifications established for the particular health care services being acquired and the Government's estimate of reasonable rates, fees, or costs. The representative(s) responsible for the evaluation and ranking shall provide the contracting officer with rationale for the ranking of the individuals consistent with the required qualifications.

(d) Upon receipt of the ranked listing of offerors, the contracting officer shall either:

(2) Enter into negotiations with all qualified offerors and select on the basis of qualifications and rates, fees, or other costs.

(e) In the event only one individual responds to an advertised requirement, the contracting officer is authorized to negotiate the contract award. In this case, the individual must still meet the minimum qualifications of the requirement and the contracting officer must be able to make a determination that the price is fair and reasonable.

(f) If a fair and reasonable price cannot be obtained from a qualified individual, the requirement should be canceled and acquired using procedures other than those set forth in this section.

(g) The total amount paid to an individual in any year for health care services under a personal services contract shall not exceed the paycap in COMDTINST M4200. 19 (series), Coast Guard Acquisition Procedures.

(h) The contract may provide for the same per diem and travel expenses authorized for a Government employee, including actual transportation and per diem in lieu of subsistence for travel between home or place of business and official duty station and only for travel outside the local area in support of the statement of work.

(i) Coordinate benefits, taxes and maintenance of records with the appropriate office(s).

(j) The contracting officer shall insure that contract funds are sufficient to cover all contingency items that may be cited in the statement of work for health care services.

3037.110 [Removed and reserved]

3037.110-70 [Removed]

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