Headquarter AFMC

Wright Patterson AFB OH 45433 16 Jun 03

Air Force Materiel Command Acquisition Circular (AFMCAC)

1. All items in this AFMCAC are effective as of the date of publication unless otherwise specified in the item description. Each item in this AFMCAC shall remain in effect until specifically cancelled or incorporated by a subsequent AFMCAC or change to the AFMC FAR Supplement (AFMCFARS).

2. This AFMCAC implements AFMC FAR Council case 02-09, Approval of Change to Red-Yellow-Green (RYG) Solicitation Provision. Therefore, the AFMCFARS is amended as specified below (all changes are highlighted in bold).

a. Item 1: AFMCFARS 5315.209-90, AFMC solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Purpose/Explanation of Change(s): This change revises paragraph (f) to include AFMC solicitation provision 5315.215-9017 in section L for all competitive spares solicitations less than $5 million.

b. Item 2: AFMCFARS 5352.215-9017, NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS. Revises solicitation provision for all competitive spares solicitations less than $5 million, adds new paragraph (b) to 5352.215-9017 and renumbers former paragraph (b) to paragraph (c). Purpose/Explanation of Change(s): To forewarn contractors in the solicitation that they are responsible for late performance (if they are at fault) even after a schedule is revised contractually.

No. of Printed Pages: 3

OPR: HQ AFMC/PKPA (Louise K. Stevenson)

PROPOSED SOLICITATION CHANGES (Changes Highlighted and Underlined)


(AFMCAC 02-01, Jun 16, 2003)

5315.209-90 AFMC solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 5352.215-9004, Evaluation of Proposals

Submitted When Qualification Requirements Do Not Exist, substantially as written, in Section L for spares acquisitions when no prequalification requirements exist and it is necessary to inform potential offerors that the Government does not have complete and adequate data, special materials, facilities, tooling, or test equipment (e.g., AMSC code is other than "G") which may be required in the performance of the contract. Use Alternate I for repair and overhaul services.

(b) The contracting officer may insert the clause at 5352.215-9005, Incorporation of Contractor's

Technical Proposal, in Section I if it is determined to be in the Government's best interest to incorporate the contractor's technical proposal. Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of the clause may be excluded for BAAs, PRDAs, RDSS/Cs, and SBIRs.

(c) In Science and Technology (S&T) acquisitions, the contracting officer may include the provision at 5352.215-9006, Intent to Incorporate Contractor's Technical Proposal, in Section L when the clause at 5352.215-9005, Incorporation of Contractor's Technical Proposal, is used.

(d) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 5352.215-9007, Use Of Non-Government

Advisors, in Section K when contractor personnel are used to assist in analyzing proposals (see FAR 37.203(d)).

(e) The contracting officer may insert the clause at 5352.215-9008, Enabling Clause Between Prime Contractors and Service Contractors, substantially as written, in Section I when a prime contractor must agree to cooperate with a service contractor.

(f) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 5352.215-9017, Notice to Prospective Suppliers, in Section L for all competitive spares solicitations less than $5 million.

(g) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 5352.215-9018, Additional Evaluation Factor for Consideration of Past Performance - Red-Yellow-Green Program (Equal to or Less Than $100K), in Section M for competitive spares solicitations equal to or less than $100K, subject to the Red-Yellow-Green (RYG) Program. If any factor other than price and adjusted price based on the RYG program ratings are to be used, those factors must be stated in Section M.

(h) For programs using RYG above $100K, the contracting officer shall insert the provision at

5352.215-9019, Additional Evaluation Factor for Consideration of Past Performance -

Red-Yellow-Green Program (Over $100K), substantially as written, because the Technical Evaluation Adjustment is only valid for solicitations equal to or less than $100K. Tailor 5352.215-9019 to be consistent with the "best-value" strategy determined to be most effective by the contracting officer.


(AFMCAC 02-01, Jun 16, 2003)


As prescribed in 5315.209-90(f), insert the clause in Section L for all competitive spares solicitations less than $5 million.


(a) This procurement will use the Red-Yellow-Green (RYG) Program in the evaluation of past

performance. The Government reserves the right to award to the supplier whose quote represents the best value to the Government. As such, the basis for award will include an evaluation of each supplier's past performance history for the Federal Supply Class of the supplies being purchased.

(b) The RYG system tracks and classifies supplier quality and delivery performance on previously awarded contracts and orders. Suppliers are advised that if originally established dates are not met (through no fault of the Government), RYG reports these deliveries as late, even if the delivery schedule is changed by contract modification. Delivery schedules that are modified for reasons not attributable to supplier performance problems are reported and evaluated in the same manner as originally established contract delivery dates.

(c) The procedures described in the Section M provision entitled, "Additional Evaluation Factor for Consideration of Past Performance - Red-Yellow-Green Program", will be used to assist in determining the best value for the Government.

(End of Provision)