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Viewing 1–10 of 22 results for "requirements management"
1 Universal Joint Task List Manual (CJCSM 3500.04F)  References
The UJTL is a library of UJTs, which serve as a foundation for capabilities-based planning across the range of military operations. A UJT is an action assigned to provide a capability. The UJTL supports the DOD in joint capabilities-based planning,...
#100 of 926 items
2 Requirements Management Certification Training  Topic
Requirements Management
3 Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Manual   Processes & Methods
The attached JCIDS Manual - PDF version (is subject to change)  Go to the Intelink.gov site listed below to be sure you are viewing the most recent version. Here is the link to the CJCSI 3170.01I - 23 January 2015  - JCIDS Instruction and the JCIDS...
#4 of 926 items
4 CJCSI 3170.01I - 23 January 2015 - JCIDS Instruction  Regulatory
1. Purpose a. This instruction is not intended to stand alone. Readers are encouraged to become familiar with the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) Charter, reference a, before reviewing this instruction or the JCIDS Manual, reference...
#2 of 926 items
5 DoD Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Cost Rationale Report Manual  Learning Materials
Action Memo from Mr. Gordon Kranz, Director, Systems and Software Engineering, dated June 24, 2009 Recommend USD sign TAB A which provides guidance on how to develop and document realistic sustainment Key Performance Parameter (KPP)/Key...
#60 of 926 items
6 Air Force Instruction 10-601, Capabilities-Based Requirements Development - 31 July 2006  Regulatory
1.1. Vision. The intent of this instruction is to facilitate rapid development and fielding of affordable and sustainable operational capabilities needed by the combatant commander. The primary goal is to fulfill stated defense strategy needs...
#375 of 926 items
7 RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management   Learning Materials
Core Concepts for Requirements Management allows professionals to study the role of both the requirements manager and requirements management within the “Big A” acquisition construct. It examines the capabilities and the process from an end-to-end...
#190 of 926 items
8 CJCSI 3137.01D - The Functional Capabilities Board (FCB) - 26 May 2009  Regulatory
Purpose. The purpose of this instruction is to establish policy and guidance on the roles, organization, process, interrelationships, management and operation of the FCB. The FCBs support the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (hereafter referred...
#251 of 926 items
9 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) - 2010  References
This QDR is dated February 2010; The Department's senior leadership sets out where the Department of Defense currently is and the direction we believe it needs to go in fulfilling our responsibilities to the American people.
#164 of 926 items
10 National Military Strategy - 2004  References
This was written in 2004. The “National Military Strategy” conveys my message to the Joint Force on the strategic direction the Armed Forces of the United States should follow to support the National Security and Defense Strategies in this...
#343 of 926 items
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